Chapter 8

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Rushed, because I somehow accidentally deleted it, not once, but twice.

Zander entered the school, Stacy and Luke directly behind him.

His two childhood friends were deep in conversation, one Zander couldn't relate to, as it was something of a television show they were both into. Although, the ombre-haired boy was quite convinced Stacy only started watching it because she heard Luke liked it.

Zander had tried watching it before, but he simply found it unentertaining. It was a predictable soap opera, with remotely bad acting, and he was unsure how his friends could tolerate it.

"Is that Jake?" The slightly alerted voice of Luke caught the attention of the shorter boy, as hearing Luke's tone come off as anything other than calm was rather rare.

He glanced up at the ginger, seeing both his and Stacy's eyes glued to the end of the hall. Zander followed their gazes, seeing a familiar peach-haired boy jogging towards them.

"Hey!" Jake called, clearly struggling from the exercise, as his voice came off a bit hoarse, "Luke! Zander! Stacy!"

"Um, can we go now?" Stacy mumbled, her pale eyes falling onto the ground near her feet, "I don't really want to see him."

"Of course," Luke quickly responded, giving her a quick, reassuring smile, "Let's go the other way."

"Actually," Zander quipped, before the pair turned away, "I'm gonna talk to him. See what foolish things he has to say. I'll see you guys later."

The navy-haired girl simply shrugged, spinning around to walk away. Luke, however, stayed put, gazing at the dark-haired boy, a slight tint of concern hidden in his optimistic dandelion eyes, "You sure, Zander?" He faltered.

Before he could reply, Stacy chirped in, "Luke, can we please go?" She uttered, her eyes flickering onto Jake, who was far closer to them than before. She clung onto the arm of her auburn-haired friend, looking up at him. He glanced down at her, nodding, as they began to walk the opposite direction.

Zander couldn't help but allow his eyes to follow the pair, burning with jealousy, as he watched her cling onto Luke's arm.

"Zander?" The sangria-haired boy slightly jumped, slightly tilting his head, to see Jake gazing at him.

It was only then Zander realized what an awful condition the hazel-eyed boy was in. Bags were hanging under his puffy, garnet eyes. His messy blonde hair scattered all around his head, clearly unbrushed. His signature navy jacket was gone, along with his black jeans, his outfit being replaced by a dark grey sweater and a pair of dark burgundy sweatpants.

You could immediately tell; he had a rough weekend.

"What do you want, Sterling?" The shorter boy snarled, a scowl planting itself on his face, as he slightly adjusted the position of his backpack straps.

"I want you to listen to me," Jake mumbling, "I didn't do anything wrong. I'm really, truly passionate about singing!" His voice got noticeably louder, "I would never sabotage you guys! I don't know why Stacy's lying!"

"Please, I've known her forever," Zander quickly spat back, "She wouldn't lie. Besides, I've only known you for two years, and the majority of that time you spent bullying me. So why don't you go spit your bullcrap elsewh-" He was suddenly cut off by the other teenager.

"Please, Zander!" Grabbing the Zander's shoulders, Jake glared directly into his eyes, "They're all avoiding me, you're the only one who's bothering talking to me!" He blurted, "I know this looks bad, but please, just believe me..." His tone calmed down, growing quieter, "You're all I have left..."

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