Chapter 5

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"What's the square root of 196, again?" Luke faltered, his eyes glued to his homework, the concentration in his gaze clear.

"Luke," Stacy giggled, slightly scooting towards her copper-haired crush, "You know I adore you, but you're awful at math."

"I know," He lowered his head, sighing in exasperation, "Can you tell me the answer? This one time?"

"Luke, I want you to try!" The dark-haired girl mewled.

"Please?" Luke pleaded, clinging onto her arm, pouting his lips, "For me~?" He pulled out his signature puppy dog eyes, a weapon he constantly used against Stacy, as he knew it always worked, "Please, Stace? You're so good at math!"

That was the thing with Luke. Most people saw him as this polite, well-mannered, almost perfect guy. However, when he was around people he was really close with, such as Stacy and Zander, he became a completely different person. Silly, constantly joking, teasing, and slacking off.

As much as she loved his gentlemen, more well-mannered side, it was his naturally goofy personality Stacy fell for. His adorable face made her heart melt, and she had no other choice than to give in before her face turned into an oven.

"It's 12," She murmured, slightly smirking, still a bit flustered from his delighted expression, as she turned back to her magazine. She was currently filling out one of the quizzes on the back, something that became a hobby of hers over the years. It was a trait of hers the golden-eyed boy quite admired, and always found it entertaining how much she enjoyed taking those quizzes.

"Thank you!" Luke hummed, giving her a quick side hug, before turning back to his homework, scribbling down some more answers.

After a few minutes, Stacy put down her magazine, glancing at her childhood friend. Noticing her staring, Luke raised an eyebrow, averting his gaze towards her, "What?" He laughed.

"Nothing just," She put her hands behind her, leaning onto them. Kicking her feet, her eyes traced the roof of the music room, "You said we could work on my track today, and we haven't actually started yet," She looked back at him, softly biting her lip, "Because someone, can't finish his math homework..."

"Shut up, Stacy!" The ginger boy giggled, picking up the light-rave-haired girl's magazine, lightly smacking her arm with it.

"Hey!" Stacy squealed back.

"You know I'm both physically and mentally incapable of doing long division!" Luke exclaimed, trying to come off as serious, however, that was drowning out by his laughter.

"Oh yeah!" The girl stopped cackling for a moment, "You had a fake diagnosis and everything! You even used it to try and get out of math class once... What was it called?" She contemplated for a moment, before a wave of realization washed across her expression, "Right! You called it divisionosis..."

"You're the worst!" The taller teen pouted, trying to hold back his giggles, as he rolled onto his back.

Stacy only laughed, lightly smacking his side, "Ms. J did not like that," She let out a sigh, as if concluding her laugh attack.

Luke gazed back at her, a slightly confused expression crossing his face, "We didn't have Ms. jones in middle school," He mused, slightly narrowing his eyes.

The navy-haired girl shrugged, adjusting her sitting position.

"Stacy, are you okay?" The daffodil-eyed teen asked, placing a hand onto hers. Stacy slightly jumped at the contact, but managed to compose herself. "You've been a bit off all day."

"Off?" She asked, quickly whipping her head towards him, "I haven't been off, I only made one tiny mistake."

"No, something's wrong." He suddenly pulled her closer, his mouth next to her ear, as she felt his warm breath against the side of her face. His voice hushed to whispers as he spoke, "Because even I know the square root of 196 is 14."

The next few seconds were a blur. Stacy only remembered her face burning up, and Luke mumbled a soft, "I have to go to the bathroom".

Once she had finally dragged herself back to reality, her childhood best friend and crus had vanished.

She sat there for a while, trying to process what had just happened. Had she seriously messed up a simple math question, just because she was a little bit flustered?

"Damn, I'm hopeless," She thought to herself, forcing a small chuckle.

She felt a sudden vibration next to her left, snapping her out of her thoughts. Glancing down at her phone, the screen was illuminating, revealing a photo of Sean, along with his contact name, and two vibrant buttons, red and green, underneath.

She hit the green one, accepting the call, as she pulled her phone to her ear, "Hey Sean, what's up?"

"Hey," He greeted, "Milly and I are gonna go to the movies, if you and Luke are done soon, wanna come with?"

"I'd love to!" The azure-eyed girl beamed, "Are Zander, Hailey and Jake coming?" She asked.

"I was just about to call them," The ebony-eyed boy explained, "So you and Luke are in?"

"I haven't asked him, he's in the bathroom," Stacy admitted, "But I'm sure he'll be fine with it. he's such a sweetheart... He can't say no to anyone, he's too thoughtful for his own good..."

There was a silence.

"Damn, Stacy," Sean chuckled, "You have it bad."

"What?!" The sapphire-eyed girl exclaimed, a bit too loudly.

The dark-haired boy let out another laugh, "You're a bit obvious."

The hue on Stacy's cheeks darkened, as she was left with a goofy smile. "He's so amazing, Sean..." She began, "Every time I see hit skips a bit. There was always butterflies in my stomach when he's around... My Luke, he's so perfect... I love him so much, and I just want him to be happy..."

What she wasn't aware of, was the person standing outside the music room, listening in on the two teenager's conversation.

"I'm sure you two would be a great couple," The older boy assured, and Stacy could almost hear the smile planted on his face.

Before she could reply, she heard a voice, cold as ice, the venomous tone piercing into her ears.

"So, you're head over heels for drummer boy, huh?"

Stacy felt her entire body freeze. Her blood ran cold, as she slowly turned her head to face the person who sourced the voice.



I procrastinated on this more than I should've-

Anyways, I hope y'all enjoyed! Until next time, baii!!

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