Chapter 2

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Luke scurried to the music room, paper in hand.

He had written a love song for his childhood best friend, the person he had been in love with for years.

It was Jake's idea, the peach-haired boy even promised to sing it, as a way for Luke to convey his feelings towards his periwinkle-eyed crush.

Finally arriving at the music room, Luke took a moment to catch his breath before finally entering, "I'm here!" He called, as the rest of his bandmates, with the exception of Jake, turned towards him. After another second, he provided an explanation, "Sorry I'm late, I needed to get something from my locker." After glancing around the room, the cheerful expression the ginger boy held faltered into a confused, slightly disappointed one, "Where Jake...?"

"He hasn't turned up yet," Hailey sighed, "Typical."

"Oh," Luke managed to sputter before Milly suddenly appeared behind him.

"What's that you got there?" The strawberry-haired girl asked.

"O-oh! Th-this is-" Luke began, however was interrupted by Milly snatching the paper from his hands. He let out a soft sigh before his eyes found their way onto the ground, "Jake proposed that I try writing my own song yesterday, so..."

"You wrote a love song?!" Milly exclaimed, far too loud.

"Wait, really Luke?" The teal-haired girl scoffed, "That's so unlike you!"

He saw Stacy and Zander exchange a quick glance, before the latter spoke up, "I didn't know you were interested in songwriting..."

"Yeah," Stacy agreed, "You never told me you wanted to try it..."

"W-well, not really," Luke stammered, feeling a dark red hue cover his face, "But I wanted to try it out.. Jake even said that he'd sing it before we started rehearsals!" His cheery tone quickly dropped, letting out a quiet sigh, "But I guess we can't do that today..."

"I'm here!" Suddenly, the familiar hazel-eyed boy burst through the door, panting loudly, "Sorry I'm late!"

"Jake, you're late again," The club president groaned, the annoyance in her tone clear.

"I know! I know! I'm sorry!" The singer replied, and before Hailey had the time to scold him, Stacy chimed in.

"I actually wanted to show you guys a violin solo I've been working on," She grinned. It's true, she had been working on a solo for a while.

The ebony-eyed president only smiled at the violinist, completely forgetting about the song Luke had mentioned, "Sure, Stacy. Let's hear it."

The latter girl clasped her hands together, before going to get her instrument off the wall. While she did so, Zander took it as an opportunity to talk to his crush.

"So, um, Luke," He cleared his throat, catching the attention of the auburn-haired boy, "I was wondering if, maybe, I could see your lyrics?"

"O-oh!" The taller boy quickly handed Zander the paper, "Of course! It's my first time song-writing, so, it's not very good..."

The mauve-haired boy nodded in response, taking the paper, his light violet eyes cautiously scanning over each word.

After reading the lyrics, Zander handed the paper back to Luke, "It's really good," He gave his small, rarely-seen grin.

Luke's face subconsciously melted into a goofy smile, as he fumbled for the paper, still gazing into his childhood friend's tranquil lavender eyes. "Thanks, Zander..."

"Okay! Ready!" Stacy beamed, unknowingly breaking the moment the two boys were sharing.

"Go ahead, Stacy!" Luke exclaimed, "I'm sure it'll be great!" He shot her a reassuring smile, which she was quick to return.

With that, she began to play a soft, yet steady melody. It was a calming, relaxing sound, one Luke felt he could listen to all day. Stacy's musical skills never failed to make his day just a little bit better.

He closed his eyes to the harmony, allowing himself to vanish into a world, alone with his thoughts, and Stacy's delicate, elegant violin symphony.

It wasn't until the music came to a stop, when he was brought back to the real world, back with the haunting thoughts and problems of reality.

He could hear the rest of his bandmates showering her with compliments, which she accepted, before walking over to Luke, standing next to him and Zander.

"That was beautiful, Stacy," He grinned at the navy-haired girl, while she felt her heart speeding up at the sight.

"Thank you, Luke!" She beamed, "That means a lot coming from you!"

"How about we start practice," Sean suggested, as the others quickly agreed.

The rest of practice flew by normally, they had made quite a bit of progress. After an hour or so, Hailey dismissed them, and they all began gathering their things, saying their goodbyes, and leaving.

Stacy was following Luke outside the door when an ice-cold hand grabbed onto her wrist. She spun around, being greeted with the venomous amethyst eyes of her other childhood friend.

"Zander?" She mused, glancing at his hand, which kept its tight hold on her wrist, "What are you doing?"

The boy kept staring into her eyes, the agitation hidden in his own clear. Finally, he spoke up, "Do you like him?"

There was another pause before Stacy answered, a suspiciously long pause, "What?" She choked out, her hoarse voice barely a whisper.

"I don't wanna repeat myself." Zander scoffed, "Do you like him?" The sudden seriousness that had flooded his tone so quickly almost made Stacy feel uneasy.

The sapphire-eyed girl's voice seemed to be lost, as when she tried to speak, her words got stuck somewhere before they left her mouth. Her muscles tensed up, the grasp Zander had on her wrist was tightening. "What makes you think that...?" She choked, holding back the whimper that the throbbing pain from her wrist caused.

"Nothing, just..." She could feel his nails sinking into the fragile skin on her arm. She doubted he was intentionally hurting her, Zander just had a habit of clenching his fists when angry, and Stacy's wrist just happened to be blocking his fingers from his palm. "The way your face lit up when he complimented you... The same way you looked at him in middle school..."

Stacy swore she could feel blood being drawn. She attempted to move her arm, as if telling him to release her, however, that only caused his sharp nails to scratch deep into her skin. She winced, her attempt of silently asking him to let go failing.

"Why would I break our promise?" Pulling out the best fake smile, the dark-haired girl tried her best not to let out a cry of pain.

Zander narrowed his eyes, and in a matter of seconds, his mood completely changed. The chaotic, slightly unhinged look his eyes held transitioned to relaxed, nonchalant, and gentle. She felt the pressure and sharp pain on her wrist release, as he let go, drawing back his hand. Stacy quickly glanced at her arm. It wasn't bleeding, but there were scratch marks, luckily not too visible.

"Okay," He uttered, with his usual grumpy tone.

"Hey, you guys coming?" Luke stepped into the music room, growing slightly impatient from waiting.

"Yes!" Stacy squeaked. Zander only nodded and the two of them began walking towards the door.

Luke's heart melted at the sight. He, unfortunately, wasn't able to confess his feelings to his crush, maybe he would be able to another day. The only problem being his other childhood friend. He never got a chance to be alone with the one he loved, with his other best friend there.

The right time would come eventually. For now, he just had to deal with the fact they were just friends. Wearing his iconic bright smile, he glanced at his crush and his best friend.

"Okay, let's go."


Question: Who do y'all think Luke likes?

I don't really have anything to say- Tysm for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Until next time, bye!!

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