Chapter 9

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An auburn-haired boy stared at the photo on his locker door. Several photos neatly decorated along his door, one in particular stood out to him.

A photo of himself, Stacy, and Zander. It was taken last summer, at sunset, while the three were on an evening walk. It was one of the most enjoyable times he ever had, Stacy agreed, and, although Zander would never admit it, he loved it just as much as his two best friends.

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The memory was precious to him. Maybe it was because times were simpler back then. That summer, just the three of them, every day spent together. He thought it would be like that forever. It wasn't until school started back up again, he realized the sad reality that the three of them would grow apart once they left for college. If he didn't confess to his crush soon, he would never get the opportunity. Now, every second was like a ticking time bomb, every thought, every heartbeat, pounding his head, haunting him, demanding him to confess.

Luke still remembered the exact moment he fell, staring into those breathtaking, light periwinkle eyes, and something in him just clicked.

He realized, that was the person he wanted to spend his forever with.

The golden-eyed boy let out a soft sigh, reminding himself not to get his hopes. He always doubted his crush would ever return his feelings. In his eyes, everything about them was perfect.

His eyes find their way onto the printed photo of his crush, admiring their dark locks, pale hyacinth eyes, the adorable dimples that appeared when they shone that astonishing smile. The details, piling onto their impeccable personality, made them all the more perfect.

"Hey, Luke!" The ginger boy jumped, slamming his locker shut, as he spun around to meet with a pair of joyful, sky blue eyes, glistened over with a tint of admiration, as Stacy let out a gentle giggle, "What are you doing, silly?" She mused.

"Oh," Luke breathed out, "Stacy, hey." He tugged at the rim of his shirt, uncrumpling the white fabric, regaining his tranquil persona.

"What were you thinking about?" The navy-haired teenager asked, " You were daydreaming at your locker door," She bit her lip in a teasing matter, watching Luke's face flush bright red in embarrassment.

"Nothing," He mumbled, opening his locker once again to retrieve his textbooks, as he meant to do, but had gotten sidetracked.

Stacy shrugged it off, deciding it wasn't a big deal, then leaned onto the locker next to his, silently waiting for him to finish retrieving his items for class.

As soon as his locker door opened, Stacy noticed something, something that made her lungs stop functioning for a moment.

There was a polaroid photo hanging on Luke's locker of Zander and Stacy. Out of the large collection of pictures on the door, that was the only one the chestnut-haired boy wasn't in. Normally, there was a photo of Luke and his mother under it, covering the bottom. However, one of the two pieces of tape holding it up had peeled off, causing the photo to swing down, revealing the bottom of the polaroid photo.

On the white rim of the image, the words "My love", were imprinted in Luke's messy handwriting, along with a small heart.

Stacy stared at it for a moment, her heart speeding up as a dark tinge of pink nestled onto her cheeks. She cleared her throat before asking, "Hey, what's that?" She pointed towards the image.

"Hm?" Luke glanced up at her, seeing that she was pointing at something, allowing his eyes to follow where her finger was indicating. His eyes widened, seeing that the photo had been revealed.

Instinctively, his hand flew up, ripping the polaroid photo off the locker door, so harsh the corner tore off. "Th-that's nothing!" He stammered, pressing the small picture against the chest, hiding the image and the words written on it. He squeezed his eyes shut, the blush on his face increasing by the second.

He felt his heart slamming against his chest, as he silently hoped and prayed Stacy hadn't read the words. 

The sapphire-eyed girl truly wanted to ask Luke about it, but she saw the stressed and anxious look on his face, and decided he needed some space, "Okay, I'll see you in class."

He waited a few more moments before opening his eyes, he saw Stacy's inky indigo ponytail bob up and down as she strutted away.  He let out a loud sigh of relief, assuming she didn't see it, as she walked away so casually.

He felt slightly guilty about not saying goodbye to her and decided he would just apologize for it later. He was still confused about the whole situation with Stacy and Jake.

He trusted both Zander and Stacy more than anything, yet he was torn on which one he should believe.


Keeping her arctic eyes glued to the ground, Stacy walked down the school halls, still trying to process what she just saw.

Luke had feelings for either her or Zander. They both had feelings for him. One of them would be happy with Luke, the other left heartbroken.

She considered telling Zander about the newly discovered news. She was about to text him to meet up, until she paused, taking a moment to think.

"The second I tell him, it's gonna be a race to confess," She slowly put her phone back into her pocket, was she being selfish? "No, it's Luke's business, I can't go off telling people," She assured herself. Another thought crossed her mind, "But Zander's planning on confessing too... So it's a race anyway..."

Suddenly, an idea popped into her head. A wave of confidence flooded through every inch of her body, a giant smile splattering across her face.

Even if she couldn't beat Zander to confessing, that didn't mean she couldn't outshine him.

Her eyes widened, quickly pushing that thought to the back of her mind. Zander was her best friend, she couldn't think of him like that. They were on the same team... Right?

"This is all for Luke," She thought to herself, pulling out her phone once again, hitting her contacts, "Nothing to do with Zander. This is all for Luke."

She found Sean's contact, clicking it, and began to text him.

'I need your help.'

There was one thing that was bothering her. If Luke were to return her feelings, she knew her friendship with Zander would forever be broken. Because he would know she broke their promise.

"He broke your promise too, Stacy." The negative side of her mind spat. "But he's still your best friend!" The casual, cheery one beamed back. The two sides of her brain fought for a while, debating if she wanted to confess or not, before coming into an agreement, "Do it for Luke."

She felt a small vibration, looking down to see Sean had replied.

'What do you need help with?'

She took a deep breath. She was really gonna do this...

'Planning the perfect confession.'


Okay, the ending was a bit confusing, so let me explain-
Basically, Stacy wants to have a big, extravagant confession.
She's trying to convince herself it's only for Luke, though deep down she knows she's doing it to outshine Zander.

Also, I said in a previous chapter this book would be 7-10 chapters long- screw that- this is gonna be a lot longer-

I hope you guys enjoyed1 Sorry for being inactive for a while! Until next time, bye!!

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