Chapter 12

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The rest of the day went normally except that the last class was hilarious even though it was psychology class as we had the sarcastic hero, Louis Tomlinson, in it. He became friends with Niall quite quick and they started discussing about football. It was difficult to concentrate in what the teacher was saying because Louis and Niall was talking loud. By loud I mean really loud and the teacher was getting irritated.

"Tomlinson and Horan! Shut your mouths or I'll throw you out of the class!" the teacher shouted.

"Sorry ma'am," Niall replied and the entire class went mute again.

30 minutes had passed. Only 15 minutes to tolerate this boring class. "Niall!" Louis screamed. Everyone turned to look at Louis.

"Tomlinson! This is my last warning to you! Shut your mouth or you go straight to the office!" the teacher shouted again. Damn her piercing voice. It will ruin your hearing sense.

"Sorry ma'am but I was thinking instead of studying psychology I should have studied psychopathology since I go psyco at everything!" The class burst out laughing. The teacher shook her head in disappointment. Before she could say something the bell rang and everyone ran out of the class. Louis, Niall and I headed towards the parking lot still laughing. I saw Zayn leaning against his car. Finally time to show up Zayn. Louis said goodbye and went to his car telling us that he will see us at the party. Is the entire school invited to the party? Does Liam even go to this school? I never saw him. Maybe I should ask Zayn later about it. As soon as I approach him he pulled me into a hug kissing me on the cheek. No comments. We got in his car but this time I sat in the passenger's seat and left Niall in the back to avoid killing looks from Zayn. The ride was silent except the radio playing.

"Zayn can you hurry please?" Niall said in an almost strangled voice.

"What happened Niall?" I asked worried.

"What is happening back there Niall man?" Zayn asked.

"I have to wee,"Niall said again with much effort. I burst out laughing.

"Dude!" Zayn yelled. He immediately stopped near a restaurant and Niall jumped out of the car and ran inside.

"He is crazy," I said still laughing. Zayn just shook his head.

"By the way Zayn, where have you been? I didn't see you at school today," I asked.

"Oh just helping Liam with the prep of the party. You still coming, right?" he asked.

"Yeah looking forward to it. Does Liam go to our school?" I said.

"Ya, how come you didn't notice?"

I shrudgged. "Did you miss me at school today?" He asked smirking. Yes a lot.

"Shut up," I said and looked out of the window waiting to see Niall.

"Lisa something happened?" he asked concerned.

"It was nothing,"

"So something actually happened huh?"

"I'm back!" Niall said coming back looking relieved interrupting our conversation. Thank god. Zayn dropped us saying he will pick us up at 7.


18 45, my clock blinged. I was ready. I usually do not go to parties so I did not have many dresses so I just wore black skinny, a grey crop-tee with my converse. Applying a little make up I ran downstairs to see Niall on the couch typing on his phone. He wore a simple shirt with blue skinny jeans and... brown boots? Niall wearing boots? It is new. He looked damn fine.

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