Chapter 25

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Lisa' POV

After a long time, yesterday was finally a normal day; more like yesterday evening was a normal day. After helping Louis with his assignment, I took a bus, accompanied by Niall, and we came home. I did my homework, helped Niall with the dinner even if it was his turn to cook today. I am so going to miss him when he will shift to his new apartment. We had dinner, watched some random movie then I went back to doing my homework, leaving him to watch his sports. I, then, went to sleep. Normal.

The next day was school as usual. I woke up Niall, prepared breakfast, got dressed and took the bus to school. Niall was supposed to come with me but just as I was about to leave the apartment, I realised that he was still in bed, snoring. I guess he will be late to school, as usual.

I arrived at school on time. I rushed towards my classroom straight away. On the way, I heard the name 'Bryce' several times. It could not be him. Not my brother of course. I found out from my friends that this 'Bryce' kid was new to our school. It was not my brother. He and dad live far from here. After what happened between Dad and Mom, Dad took Bryce far away from here. Bryce would not come here. If only I could know his last name.

During every break we had and lunch, the only name I was hearing was Bryce. I swear it will even start echoing. However, I could not bear it anymore. It reminded me, of course, of my brother and all the horrible things that happened. I wanted to get away. Even my friends were talking about that kid, of how hot or how badass he looked. I assembled my things, excused myself and got away from all this. I so wanted to see my brother.

"Lisa!" I heard Niall calling me while I was going to my usual bench.


"I just came to see if you are fine," he said.


"You know about the Bryce thing and all. I know it is your brother's name and so your past must be bothering you right now," he said sounding worried.

"Niall, I'm fine. I'll handle it so don't worry," I replied feeling actually better knowing that he is here for me.

"Alright. If there's anything just let me know,"

"Yes, I will. Anyways, did you meet him?" I asked hoping that the little doubt about that boy being my brother will be cleared.

"No, I didn't. But if I will, I'll let you know. I understand your concern," He said smiling and walked away.


Sitting on the bench, I was considering the probability of that Bryce being really my brother.

The pros are:
1. I'll be able to meet my brother after such a long time.
2. I'll the sister of the hot, badass new boy.
3. I'll get a lot of attention.

The cons are:
1. I do not know how will I handle to meet him after so many years.
2. Too much attention is not good.
3. I do not know how Zayn will react to it.

The thought of Zayn just directed my mind in a totally different direction. Hearing footsteps made me jolt away from my thoughts. I turned my head to see Zayn. Perfect timing.

"Hey Lise," he said. Yeah, like I care.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

"I-I want to know what wrong did I do?"

"What wrong did you do? Acting like you don't know! Well, let me tell you. You did shit!"

He seemed to be taken aback by my words but I did not care.

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