Chapter 7

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Lisa's POV

Zayn was so close to me now that there was only some inches difference between us. He looked so damn hot. He continued to come closer. I wanted to run but it seemed like my feet refused to. He had now pinned me to the wall and running seemed impossible.

Oh my god ! Why does he look so hot! I think he's the hottest guy I've ever seen in my life.

"So you think I'm hot?" he asked.

Wait... Did I say that out loud?

" Yes you did," he replied.

Oh shit!

Zayn came so close to me that I could feel his breath on my face.

I bent my head down, I don't know why. The situation was very awkward and goosebumps started appearing when he touched my cheek with his cold hand. His touch was so soft and gentle. It felt like sparks.

I flinched by the sudden weird but nice feeling and moved but Zayn came so close that I could feel his cheek against mine. He started started leaning forward. Oh my... is he going to kiss me? One part me wanted to go on cheerleading mode right now but the other part felt so nervous!

He was so near now. I closed my eyes instinctively. But instead he kissed the corner of my mouth and started trailing his lips all along leaving small kisses. To my neck to my collarbone. OH MY GOD!

Shit! Shit! But then again his lips slowly moved up to my jaw getting closer every single minute. Is he going to kiss me?!

Oh my god I so want to kiss him right now. But what am I thinking right now? I just met him like what one week ago and that to when he was with Jade! I wanted to move but I felt paralysed. This feels so good. There was a fluttering feeling and like an entire swarm of butterflies in my stomach. 

"Fuck," I muttered under my breath. I felt his smirk. He grabbed my waist pushing me further against against the wall. A chill runs down my spine as his body is pressed on mine. Damn it. What is he up to?! He gently gets hold of both of my wrists and pin them to the wall on each side of me. The feeling is undescribable.

"What the hell is going on here?!" I heard a very familar voice say.

We both snapped our heads towards the door. There stood a very furious Harry with Jade clinging on his arm. I was really annoyed with them now. Why did they have to interrupt but thank god it was not Mr Jones.

"Lisa! What the fuck were you doing with him?You - " Harry said but was interrupted by Jade.

"I knew from the beginning that you are such slut, a whore! You bitch! You can not even deny it because look what the hell were you doing"

"Don't you understand what I said before Jade? Don't talk to her like that! I started all this because I can do whatever i want as...," Zayn said then he continued, "I'm her boyfriend."

What the actual fuck! Harry and Jade looked utterly astonished. Well I am shocked too. Why did he say that and why did he start that? Harry was staring furiously at Zayn and sending death glares. Why is he doing that? I was about to protest but then Zayn grabbed my arm and dragged me outside. I am totally blank right now. 

Once outside I broke down in tears. I can not take it anymore. All the insulting and then having someone else defending me all the time. Zayn hugged me tightly and tried to comfort me. I wrapped my arms around him and huuged him back. His scent was really comforting and extremely nice.  

"Hey, it's ok. Ignore what Jade said ok?' He said in a really soothing voice."And also sorry about that. I actually wanted to get rid of them right now for ruining such an amazing moment and I saw that you were getting annoyed too," he continued.

I looked at him in complete shock well more in amusement. Did I really heard amazing moment? It was really amazing for me but for him?  

"So... Now where were we babe?" he asked with his signature smirk getting closer. Panic alert! Shit, I'm again feeling paralysed.

No not now please. It is too much to take. He was getting closer and closer. He looked sexy as well. Just minutes before he was so comforting but now he is all bad boy! Suddenly there was the extremely surprising and loud sound of a door slamming. I jumped a little. Soon after, Harry came out with Jade trailing behind him screaming, "Please, don't leave me Harry. I love you! Please!"

I was looking at them in deep thoughts and Zayn looked confused as well before muttering,"I knew it."

 "What did you know?" I asked confused.

"I doubted that Jade is not Harry's girlfriend because Jade is not Harry's type. At all!" Zayn said.

"Do you know Harry?" I asked. Curiosity eating me.

"Ya," he replied casually. Shit. He knows Harry. Did Harry tell him anout me? About why did he do that to me? Suddenly the thought of Zayn doing the same thing to me started haunting me. Zayn gives me the feeling of something more than Harry. The feeling is ecstatic compared to Harry. What is wrong with me now? I need to get away.

"But... The only thing is that... I don't know why Harry was with Jade. There is definitely something fishy," Zayn continued. Now that is too much. I have the feeling that I am overthinking. I really need to go.

"Need to go," I said before rushing towards my class.

"Hey! Lise wait," Zayn shouted but I completely ignored him and moved on.

"What the hell happened with her now?!" I heard Zayn saying.

Once home, I thought of listening to some music to get my mind off  all those problems. Music is the sole solution to all my problems.

I must say, My life is an entire mess.


Authors' note


Thank  you all for reading :)

Hope you are liking the story.

Sorry for the mistakes :)

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-Neha & Laureena

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