Chapter 4

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Lisa's POV

"Hi, I'm Zayn." But I completely ignored him because I was thinking of  Harry.He just clapped his hands and reality hit me like a ton of bricks.

There stood a boy dressed in a pair of black jeans, white shirt and black combat boots with hazel brown eyes and hair in a perfect quiff.

"Hello! I'm talking to you. Are you OK?" he asked with concern.

"Yeah... I'm OK," I stuttered before running away from him.

"Hey stop!" I heard him yelling but I continued to run. I ran to the bathroom and stayed there crying. Why did Harry do this to me? He said that he love me, right? I stayed for what seemed like hours and finally got out only to bump into a hard chest.

Zayn 's POV

I came here with Jade. She had been chasing me around at school for the past weeks for me to go on a date with her. Finally I agreed so that she would leave me alone.

When I saw that girl, I had the sudden urge to go and help her but she just ran away without saying something. When I was heading towards the bathroom, I bumped into a girl. She was the same girl that I saw outside the cinema.

I will never forget that face. She was breathtaking. I was mesmerized by those brown eyes and black hair having loose curls falling on her face. She seemed so caring and lovely. I just want to hug her and to cuddle her. Wow! Calm down there Zayn!

"Sorry," her words brought me back to reality.

Suddenly my cockiness decided to show up, "Finally you had something to say."

She was about to walk away but I grabbed her arm and turned her around. She winced in pain. God! Way to mess up Zayn!

"Oh my god! I'm sorry! Are you OK?" I asked.

"It's OK. I'm fine. Thanks for saving me from that jerk before, " she replied.

She must really have hated that guy. However that guy seemed familiar. Again, my arrogant attitude deceived me.

"Sorry, I didn't catch your name," I smirked.

" I'm Lisa, " she said.

" Zayn," I said offering my hand. As she shook it, I suddenly felt sparks. My eyes went all their way up her body. She seemed so uncomfortable.

Great! Now she thinks I'm a cocky bastard trying to flirt with her.

"Will you mind some coffee?" I asked trying to sound like a gentleman. Really? Gentleman? Zayn what are you doing? God this sucks! She seemed a little uneasy but she agreed .

Good start Zayn!

Lisa's POV

We walked awkwardly towards the coffee shop. We took a seat and Zayn went to the cashier. I wonder why he is offering me a coffee. He seems like the bad boy mostly like a player.

He doesn't seem trustworthy at all. Whatever, I just need to keep my mind away from those stressful things. Why did harry do this to me? I don't care. I just hate him the most right now. I saw Zayn walking towards me .

"Our order will be here soon," he said while sitting down. The atmosphere was very awkward. Finally he decided to break the silence.

"So... What was that guy doing before?" he asked.

"None of your business!" I snapped. He looked surprised. Shit. "Sorry, I didn't mean to snap you. It's just that it is personal. Sorry," I  said looking down.

"No it's alright," he said  trying to enlighten the mood.

"So - "

"Zayn! What are you doing here? I've been searching for you everywhere!" I heard a girly voice say.

As I looked up, I saw Jade. Yes Jade.Suddenly she threw herself at Zayn.

"Oh my god Zayn! I thought you left me alone and went home!" Zayn seems disgusted by her behaviour but quickly recovered himself.

"Zayn! What are you doing with this nerd? Oh my god Zayn! You are cheating on me?!"

"Jade, we are not even dating," Zayn said looking annoyed.

"Oh... Whatever! I don't care! And you! What are you doing with him? You bitch!" Jade was now standing in front of me fuming with anger.

" Stop!" Zayn said standing between us. "Don't ever talk to her like that!" Both Jade and I were taken aback by this.

"B - But Zayn, why are you defending her?" Jade asked.

"Just get lost! " Zayn yelled at her.

" Bitch," Jade said glaring at me and believe me if looks would kill, I would be dead by now.

"Sorry about that," Zayn said as soon as Jade was out of sight.

"Uh... I have to go," I said.

"Ya... OK bye," Zayn said. He seemed pretty sad but I didn't know why.

"Bye," I said before rushing out.

I went home and as I were so depressed, I decided that some ice cream and movie will do good. I watched Titanic. I know its a bit old but whatever. I cried till I fell asleep.


Authors' note

Zayn's entry finally!! Woo hoo!! XD

Thank you all for reading!!!!

Hope you are enjoying the story!!


Sorry for the mistakes :)

-Neha & Laureena

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