Chapter 14

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Fresh air. Finally. It was suffocating inside. Eleanor, Niall and Liam left us alone outside. Niall left after much effort, however sending me the look 'you got a load of shit to explain to me'. Right I'm not in the mood to explain anything right now. Zayn and I were leaning against his car a feet away from each other. It was as if I could feel the anger radiating off him. I started feeling real nervous.

"Get in the car," he said suddenly. Oh? I got in silently and soon we were on the road back home.

"Was Harry your boyfriend?" he asked clenching his fist around the steerwheel so hard that his knuckles started turning white.

"I moved on-"

"Yes or no?" He muttered.

"Yes," I said sinking in my seat.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked. I stayed quiet. "Did you use me to make Harry jealous, Lisa? So that you could get back with him?" he continued.

"What? No!" I exclaimed. "That thought never crossed my mind!"

"Then why did you go on with the act when I told Harry that you were my girlfriend?" He half yelled turning to face me.

"I hate Harry-" The lights of a huge truck flashed in front of us heading in our direction. Zayn immediately drove the car to the side in a rough move making it stop just inches away from colliding with a huge tree. Nothing could be heard except our heavy breathing. It was a close save. I couldn't control myself anymore. I broke down in tears.

"Hush," Zayn said pulling me to his chest. I sobbed. I'm sure I already soaked his shirt.

"It's ok. Don't worry," he continued comforting me.

Zayn dropped me off. It was damn awkward. He did not even say goodbye. I got out of the car and walked towards my apartment.


I entered my flat finally feeling the warmth of the room. I heard video games. Niall. I walked towards Niall's room, knocked at his door several times.

"Niall! Please open the door. Please? Look I'm really sorry. I should have told you earlier but... I'm really sorry."

My life is so fucked up. A whole mess. I sighed as I sat on the comfy couch, with Ben and Jerry's in my hands, turning the TV on. A film called Run For Your Wife was playing. Ew. A shitty movie. Just great! What a life I have.

I woke up from my sleep from I heard a door opening. "Niall?" I called out as I rubbed my eyes trying to wake up completely. I saw Niall coming and I was about to say that I was really sorry to him again but-

"Ok listen up you girl. I'll only forgive you if you tell me everything that happened. With all details. And if you hesitate I'll not let you move from here until I hear a proper explanation from you. Did I made myself clear?" He asked and sat on the opposite couch of me. I nodded. This was my best friend Niall. I smiled.

"OK now speak up."

I started telling him everything that happened from the very beginning. How I met Harry. How we started dating and all the lovely things he did for me. Defending me in front of Jade. Harry and mine's first kiss. When he told me he was falling for me. Ya right bullshit. Finally the day when he left me all alone dealing with all the shit and the day when Zayn came. Niall looked like he was ready to bash Harry's head against a brick wall.

"How dare he do that to you?! What the hell?" He yelled and got up. I looked down and started fiddling with my fingers.

"That little piece of shit. I'm going to find him and beat the hell out of him right now!" What! I did not want to Niall get in any problems and that too because of me! I got up and blocked his way.

"No! Niall! Don't. Just leave him alone. Don't go please?"

"What?! Lisa?! What is fucking wrong with you?! How can you do that? After what he did to you, you out of all persons are defending that dipshit?!"

"No Niall I just... I moved on. I don't care now about what Harry did, does or will do. I forgot everything about him and I'm living my life," I said. Ya but the wish to know why he left you all alone that day still haunts you, my subconscious said silently to me. Shut up!

"Wait... Did you just said 'will do'? Lisa?! What did Harry tell you he'll do? For God sake Lisa! Did you miss out the part where I told you 'with all details'?!" Niall half-yelled. Damn it.

I then told Niall what happened at the club. "Oh darling, I'm never gonna leave you alone. You can trust me on that," Harry said. His words still scare me. However even when I told Niall that Zayn intervened right on time, his face was emotionless.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Niall asked still expressionless.

"I... I didn't want for you to worry about me. It was like I was giving you a burden. I'm sorry. It didn't feel important because I was able to move on as I got Zayn with me now.

Suddenly Niall looked kind of relieved. He hugged me. Real tight. Then looked at me with now a bright and smiling face.

"Cmon tell me about Zayn. He seems the 'prince in shining armour' type of person your story." I chuckled. The small dates and all. The funny moments. Zayn. I sighed. I do not know but i always felt like life was more enjoyable with him. But I left out the fight and Zayn thinking I was using him to make Harry jealous. Did he really think I was using him? Did he start thinking that low of me now? I know I was again making a mistake about not telling Niall but I was thinking that it was going to be all right. I am going to meet up with Zayn and explain him everything. I really hope problems in my life would be over.

"And you tell me that Zayn is not your boyfriend!" Niall said smirking.

"What? Really he is not," I answered.

"Everything that you guys did is what a typical boyfriend-girlfriend do. Ask anyone!"

"Oh shut up. He did not even ask me about it," I said.

"Ooh... So you really want to be his girlfriend right?" I blushed slightly.

"Let's hope he does ask you," Niall said while nudging me in the shoulder and laughing slightly. Let's hope.

I continued watching the television which was now playing another movie: 22 Jump Street. Seriously what a great life of mine!


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