Chapter 22

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Lisa's POV

I woke the next morning on the couch. After breakfast, Zayn came to pick me up. And yes... Niall was there too. When we approached his car, he gave me a hug and fist bumped Niall. Typical boys. Arriving at school, Niall rushed inside. "I have to pee!" he yelled and started running towards the front door. I bet everyone heard him but I know he does not care. I said goodbye to Zayn and went to my classes.

During class I kept thinking about Zayn. I am his girlfriend now. Will something new happen? Shut up Lisa, you are taking all this too far. Concentrate now.

It was a traditional school day: classes, lunch, library, classes then home. Zayn said he had something important to do so he could not drop me home. Going up to my apartment I crossed Harry but ignored him. I am totally done with that. I almost forgot that he lives in my building. I think I should really forget. But nobody escapes reality.

I played some video games then went to take a nap. My nap lasted 6 hours and it was almost dark. I think is so relatable to anyone. When I was preparing coffee, there was a knock on the door. Maybe it is Niall. But he told me he did come late since he was going on apartment hunting even though I said that it did be fine if he shared mine. That lad.

Suddenly the knocking turned to loud banging. I quickly grabbed a knife from the kitchen counter and slowly approached the door silently. I was scared as hell. The banging came to a halt. I opened the door slightly and peeped outside. There was no one. I carefully came out, ready to attack in case somebody jumped at me. I waited for at least ten minutes but nothing happened. I noticed a large package near my feet. I picked it up and quickly went inside.

I placed the package on the table and opened it with lot of care. What was inside shocked me. Bags of flour. Loads. Why flour? What the freaking hell. There was a small note underneath.

Hope you remember your dear friend. xx.

I took the package and threw all of its contents in the bin. Maybe just a stupid prank from kids of the building. I took my coffee and set on with my homework.


My phone started buzzing. I opened my eyes and looked at the clock. 03 30 AM. What is it now? I looked at the caller ID. It was Zayn.

"Do not tell me that you're drunk so you need me to come and fetch you from a wild party," I mumbled.

He chuckled. "No, actually, I am downstairs. Would you come please?" he asked.

"What? Zayn are you out of your mind? Did you see the time?"

"C'mon, please?"

I put on my hoodie, my shoes and went downstairs. Zayn saw me and hugged me.

"I miss you," he said. I hugged him back.

"So, why did you here so late at night?" I asked.

"Come, I need to show you something,"

He grabbed my hand and directed me towards a red car.

"What?" I asked.

He took my hand, opened it and placed a key in it.

"This is yours," he replied pointing to that red car.

"What?" I almost screamed.

"Yeah babe, all yours," I jumped into his arms.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" I said. But I just realised that I do not have to drive.

"No need to think about that, I'll teach you," Zayn said and smiled.

"But Zayn where did you get all the money?"

"Baby, I'm filthy rich!" he said... weirdly.

All of a sudden behind Zayn, I saw Harry entering the building. So late? Zayn asked me what is wrong but I simply shrugged it off.

"Zayn, how long have you being here?"

"U-Uh... Not so long. Why?"


We talked a bit then Zayn left. However, he seemed a little... off but happy at the same time. Weird. I guess everyone has their own bizarre days. But what about Harry? What was he doing so late? Anyways that is none of my business. Maybe he is just hooking up. Whatever.


Harry's POV

Meet me downstairs.

I glanced at phone. I have got to talk to him and say that I am done with all this. I went downstairs and saw him leaning against his car. I approached him.

"What's up?" he said.

"Look, I am going to tell you this quite frankly and in the face that-" I took a deep breath.

"What?" he asked.

"That I cannot do this anymore," I replied.

"What? Harry what are you saying? You can't do this to me-"

"I repeat I cannot do this anymore,"

"Harry I'm your friend, why are you doing this to me?"

"Exactly! You're my friend. And friends don't force their friends. You should not make me do all this to her! Why don't you do all this yourself? Huh!" I almost yelled. I was damn angry right now.

"Because you know tha-"

Footsteps were heard. I turned and saw Lisa descending the stairs. What is she doing so late here? We quickly hid ourselves, my 'friend' and I. I looked at Lisa and saw her heading to the parking lot. I looked at him but he was gone. What the hell? I quickly put my hood on, hoping that she doe not notice that it is me and rushed to the stairs without glancing back at her or what she was doing.

Once in my apartment, I realised that the conversation that me and my so-called friend was having did not end. I needed to finish this badly. I swear I am going to go nuts. Why me out of all the persons? Oh god. I am not able to accept the fact that she did all that. But he looked kind of quite frustrated. I mean what is the problem? Lisa said yes so I do not think something has gone wrong or will go wrong. It may be possible. Even though it would be good if he screws up then I will not have to be involved in this shit. No shit, what are you even thinking Harry? You promised. Wrong promise.

I threw myself on my bed and fell asleep.


Authors's note

Tadaa! Suspense!!


Most of you think that the unknown person is Zayn. Maybe no, maybe yes ;D

This is a quick update since today the album was released. Woo hoo!!

#MadeInTheAM #MadeInTheAM #MadeInTheAM #MadeInTheAM #MadeInTheAM

Thank you for the lovely comments and votes.


-N&L :)

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