Chapter 19

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Lisa's POV

It's already 2:00 am and I'm still working on my dissertation. GOD!

"C'mon Lisa only 3 pages left.You can do it!" I said to myself. I continued writing. I really hope the teacher has an accident, gets a brain fracture and does not come to school till his death! I cannot help but be rude.

"Cupcake! It's been hours you have been working. At least have a good two hour sleep then continue. It'll help will your tiredness," Niall said turning off the TV.

"Niall! You better stay quiet. If I decide to have a 2-hour sleep, it will change in 12-hour sleep! Anyways, I wouldn't be doing this now if you hadn't disappeared! So you better shut the fuck up!" I said annoyed.

"Ok sorry," He said and came to sit beside me. "So... Can I help you?" he continued.

"Just go and make me some coffee," I said.

"What?! But you just like already had seven cups. You'll not be able to sleep for the next two weeks if you continue like this!" He said laughing.

"Seriously? Do you really think it's the time to laugh?" I said looking annoyed.

"It's always time for a good laugh Cupcake," He said pinching my cheeks.

"Ouch! You are such a hopeless case!" I said while writing.

7:30 am.

I was sleeping when suddenly Lost in the echo by Likin Park Started playing. It was Niall doing his usual workout. I got up and removed all the papers stuck to my face, throwing them in the dustin. My back is aching so much. Note to myself: Never ever fall asleep on the table. However I managed to finish my dissertion. I look at it and the last line was all messed up and it seems that I have been scribbling. Guess sleep took over me.

I went to Niall's room shouting and threw a cushion at him.

"Good morning cupcake," He said with a wide smile on his face.

"Ugh... Turn off this music," I said throwing myself on his bed. He turned off his music and walked towards me.

"C'mon cupcake get up," he said pulling the blanket off me. He then came and sat near me. I moved and placed my head on his lap.

"Please Ni, 5 minutes please... 5 more," I said hugging him.

"OK OK... Only 5 minutes... Not more," he said.

"Thanks," I said and hugged him.

45 minutes later we were inside the car heading to school. When class ended, I felt so relieved after submitting my dissertation. I came out of the classroom with a wide smile on my face. Niall looked at me and started laughing.

"What happened?!" I said looking confused.

"I just remembered your face while you were doing your dissertation yesterday," He said laughing.

"Bye, I won't talk to you!" I said walking away.

"Ok sorry," he said.

"Ok fine... C'mon let's go and by the way Mr Horan don't forget my Nandos treat," I said smiling.

"Ya C'mon let's go," he said placing his hand on my shoulder. Later, Niall had class and I had free time. I went to the library and sat in a corner.

I was reading one of my favorite novels when someone pulled the chair beside me and sat. I turned and saw Louis with loads science books. I wondered what he was doing here.

"Hi Lise," he said smiling.

"Hi Louis," I replied.

"Lisa you're looking very beautiful today! I'm really glad you're my friend. It's so amazing to have a friend like yo-"

"What do you want Louis?" I asked interrupting him.

"I thought you'd never ask. Lise I really need your help . Please help me with this project. Pleeeeeeeeeeease!" He said practically whining like a 3-year old kid.

"OK alright! Only if you never act like you just did even though I know you will," I replied. He smirked.

I can't believe that doing a science project can be so fun! Yeah right, I'm with the one and only, Louis Tomlinson.

2 hours later, the bell rang and miraculously we finished the project in time. We collected all the things. Louis hugged me, said thanks and rushed outside. I was walking towards my car when someone pulled me towards him. Obviously it was Zayn.

"I'll be coming to pick you up at 7 pm sharp. So be ready ."

"Wait Zayn ... We're going somewhere?" I asked confused.

"It's a surprise," he said smirking. He hugged me tightly. He jogged to to motorbike and set off. Gosh when will I be able to get over his sexy attitudes?

Niall came and we went home together. I told him that I was going out with Zayn. He smiled.Sharp 7 pm Zayn came. I got dressed up very casually and applied light makeup.

"Sweetheart c'mon... We're getting late," He shouted. I took my phone and rushed.

"Take care of my cupcake Zayn. Use protection! Lisa don't get pregnant!!" Niall shouted. Shut the hell up. A few minutes later, we were in the car.

"Umm... Zayn where are we going?" I asked looking outside the window.

"You'll see," he said and placed his hand on mine.

"Ok bu-" I was about to say when zayn interrupted me .

"Shh... No buts," he said.


1 hour: We were still driving.

Where the hell is he taking me? Frankly I'm nervous. Zayn is acting all cool. I think we are already out of the city now. And it is also getting late. And me impatient.

"Zayn! Where are we going? The streets are almost empty and it's late! Where are you taking me?" I asked feeling a little tired. Zayn turned his head to look.

"Zayn look in front! You're driving!"

"Don't worry. We will arrive at the desitinated place soon and just relax. Enjoy the ride," he said winking. I mumbled a shut up and he chuckled looking in front. Then I just heard a loud honk. I looked in front and the lights were blinding. In a flash, Zayn made an abrupt swerve. The car went off the road onto the side pavement, the bright neon lights 'open' of a side shop shining above us.

Breathe in. Breathe out. I calmed myself down. Thank God no one was hurt.

"Lisa! Are you ok?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. What was that?" I asked. The car which was about to literally crush us had stopped. Zayn got out and walked to the car, me following behind.

"Hey man! Don't you see?! You could have killed both of us!" Zayn shouted.

The driver stumbled out. Harry? Oh no.

"Harry?" Zayn asked.

"Zayn! Buddy! How are you man? Long time no see huh? I'm sorry about that. As you see I'm drunk and- Lisa?" Harry said.

Authors' note







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