Chapter 2

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"Harry? What are you doing here?" I asked surprised.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" he asked holding a smirk.

"Come in." I let him inside my apartment and the close the door. "So?" I asked.

"Well... I'm your neighbour," he said. WHAT?! "I saw your car outside so i asked the watchman," he continued. Oh.

"Cool," I replied. Maybe it is going to do good. We talked a lot and at last he stayed for dinner. Harry helped me with the cooking. After dinner we decided to watch a film. 


The next morning i woke because of the bright sunlight. I must have fallen asleep on the couch. I had Harry's arms wrapped around me in a very protective way. How can someone be so beautiful? Wow. I somehow managed to get out from his grip and was about to get up when he held my wrist. 

"Where are you going?" he asked, his eyes still half closed.

"Well I'm going to take a shower and then make breakfast," I replied.

He just pulled me to him and murmured, "Please don't go"

"Harry we have to go to school," I said.

He just gumbled something then finally woke up. After breakfast Harry went back to his apartment to change and told me to meet him downstairs as he will give me a ride to school. I was about to protest because i have my own car but he just rushed to his apartment. He wore a simple grey shirt and a pair of tight jeans but still looked really hot. How can he do that? 

"I have my car. I can go. Thnks anyways," I said and started heading to my car.

"Oh come on! We are going to the same place and why increase the release of carbon monoxide to cause more pollution?" he said.

I chuckled but agreed. In the car i started having an unusual good feeling and a smile on my face. I said bye to Harry and went to my class. During lunch time I did not see Harry so I sat at a random table. 

"Hey you!" I turned to see who it was and unfortunately it were the stupid girls, who are pretty but full of meaningless pride, Jess and Jade. "Don't you know that it is our place? How dare you sit here?!" Jess yelled at me. Wtf. 

"I'm just going to move," I said collecting my things and started walking  but Jade blocked my way.

"What? No sorry? You will not get to leave without saying sorry!" she said.

"No I'm not saying sorry! I'm leaving so just let me leave," I said getting seriously annoyed. By that time everyone was looking at us. Mind your own buisiness damn people! Suddenly...

"Leave her alone and do not fucking speak to her like that next time!" Harry yells. Holding my wrist he drags me outside. Before going i heard Jess whispering to Jade, "See she cannot even defend herself. Poor Harry baby had to come to save her." I am feeling so bad right now like a freaking coward! Harry was about to comfort me but i just ran to my next class without saying a word to him. During classes I could not stop thinking about what Jess had said. Is it true that I am like this? I went directly home taking the bus trying to ignore Harry and the other students.

Arriving home, I cried. A lot. I heard loud banging on my door. I could not bear it anymore so I went to see who it was. Obviously it was Harry. 

"Have you been crying?" he asked. I could not hold it anymore so I hugged him. Harry hugged me back tightly and comforted me. We stayed like this for a few minutes then he made me look at him. He touched my forehead.

"Fuck Lisa! You are burning!" he said.

"No, I'm ok," I replied quickly.

"No you are not. Now shut up and go get some rest. I'll cook something for you. You must be hungry," he said before disappearing in the kitchen. I smiled and headed to my bedroom. After a while Harry came in the bedroom gave me some soup. It was amazingly delicious.

"Harry can I see your tattoos?" I asked. Wow where did I get so much confidence. Must be the soup.

"Sure," he said and took off his shirt. Wow. I was amazed. This is beautiful. The rest of the evening we talked about his tattoos and I found out that they could be very mysterious. Finally it was night and I was so sleepy. Harry decided to stay and climbed in bed with me. He held me close to him and hugged me tightly. I do not know what came to my mind but I said, " Harry, I think I'm falling for you."

"Same here," he replied and kissed my forehead. Oh my God


Authors' note

Thank you so much for reading!!

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Sorry for any mistakes :)

-Neha & Laureena

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