A tree is growing inside of me
Jagged limbs wrapping around my organs
Pointed fingers with long talons
Puncture my insides with poison
I cry at night fist beating the drum
In my stomach
Harsh and unforgiving in its rhythm
Each hit pounding a different tone
Of deprivation
As the drum rapidly shrinks
Viscous sap runs through my veins
Liters of venom pump my heart
With each beat my body is laden with chains
Mutilating alleviates the feeling of worthlessness
Threatening to tear my fragile mind apart
Reflections nurture the caustic fruits
Born from self- hate and the need to torture
There are days that I want to be rid of this disorder
I swallow the seeds to remain mute
And wait for my hunger to quell
I can feel the tree growing stronger
I am shadowed in its shade
It feeds on my flesh and bone with a voracious hunger
I lay myself down at its base when my stomach
Becomes completely concave
My withered heart changes beats and the time between takes longer
And longer
Tired of the prolonged torment I lick the milky white sap
Immediately I feel my heart plummet
Crumbling under my burden
I fade away
Darkness encompasses my vision
I can feel relief blossoming
Finally my hunger has diminished
شِعرA hodgepodge of topics that mostly deal with mental health written as poems or prose.