Germ x nonbinary reader

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I sat out in the parking lot outside the abandoned Food Donkey gazing at the dreary sky.
Geez I really miss that old place...when it was up and running...
You thought to yourself. The day was already so gloomy by itself but this place and the status it's made everything even more dreary and sorrowful.

I heard the rumbling of cobble a bit aways from me. I turned my gaze towards where I heard the noise to see the one and only Germ slowly pacing towards me. A smile threatened to come to my face as I beckoned him to come and sit with me a bit farther from where he was currently standing. He gave me his signature blank smile/stare and slowly crept behind me and proceeded to sit on my left.

We sat there in comfortable silence staring at the few clouds not consumed by darkness in the sky. It had gotten even more foggy and the abandoned parking lot looked even larger as with your limited sight you couldn't even see the end of beginning of it. Germ snapped his fingers in front of my face causing me to look to my left in confusion awaiting...something. He proceeded to take two sodas out of his bag and handed me one cautiously. I gratefully took it thanking him quietly before opening it and taking a swig.
"So, how've you been?" You asked calmly.
"I've been ok, could be better or worse I guess." He blatantly answered.
"How've you been? You've been coming to all these large, empty places for as long as I've known you is something about them haunted or something?" He commented chuckling slightly at his own response.
"Well, kinda actually." You responded blankly.
Germ proceeded to turn his gaze to you in shock of his joke perhaps opening conversation for once.
"So who is it?" He asked.
"Yeah, who's the ghost." He continued to ask.
"I didn't mean there actually WAS a ghost here I just have a strong feeling somethings always lonely and abandoned about these places and ghosts may roam here because of that." You reminded him.
"Yeah but...isn't that how all of Possum Springs is? Gloomy, small, empty, lonely, sparce even?" He said a bit louder as to draw your attention more towards him.
"Touché" You agreed.

And there it was again. That calm and peaceful silence you two were so used to. You yourself didn't have a bunch of friends especially anywhere near Possum Springs. You knew it was kinda the same but opposite for Germ, he has a silent charm to him perhaps? He just hangs out with a lot of folks he's aquatinted with to put it easily. He's just always there not always participating in the group activity but everyone always knows he's there.
You glanced over to him, making sure to contemplate your words before you spoke.
"You wanna go play video games at my place?" You both said at the same time.
You caught his gaze momentarily as he stood up carefully.
"Yeah sure, my or your place?" He asked in a happier tone.
"I'll leave that up to you." You said chuckling and standing up as well walking in the way towards his backyard.
"Hey! I know a shortcut!" He shouted running up to you and pulling you in a completely different direction.

Gosh I love this big goofball

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