Bea x female reader part 1 |Computer Love|

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It was late at night a bit too late for your liking, actually scratch that it was to EARLY.

You were sitting on your bed staring at your ceiling hoping sleep would sometime soon wash over you with the strongest tsunami ever. However, your zoning out was cut short by a ding noise produced by your laptop laying across the edge of the bed. You reached a paw out just barely snatching the laptop and placing it on your lap checking what the dinging was from exactly. You checked your messages which you assumed was what the dinging was and it came to your knowledge that the one and only Beatrice Santello. You have had a crush on her since you guys where 16, it was only a little after you met! You sat there for a second thinking if you should even glance at your messages.

You contemplated it for a minute or two and than with a deep breath check your messages from Bea.

"Hey (Y/N), so I was wondering if...I mean I have tomorrow off and was wondering if maybe you'd like to hang out more than friends? Yes I've thought this over and I just thought I'd throw the offer on the table."


"Heh, yeah like a date if that's what you'd like to call it, so would you like to go somewhere tomorrow?"

"Of course! Have any ideas of where to go? We could go to Pastabilities, and get some crappy pizza or something!"

"Yeah, that would be nice, see ya tomorrow at 6pm?"

"Definitely! See ya then!"


You stared at your computer screen a blushing mess from the last message sent. You thought it was best that you go to sleep now to be well rested for your date with Bea.

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