What they like about you

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Your energy and enthusiasm

-you always acted happy even if you weren't
-you were fun to be around and talk to because you listen so well
-however, you find yourself rambling about things forever sometimes
-you didn't prefer to have too many friends so pretty much just : you, Gregg, and gregg's friends
-oh, and your energy could be felt from a mile away!
-good vibes
-surprisingly hanging out by the snack falcon is fun
-"got cups on my ears"
-"I know Gregg me too! I can hear all the colors and universes!"

Your politeness

-no matter what you are constantly saying sorry
-like even for no reason
-she thinks it's cute and will even tell you
-"you said sorry again."
-yup she teases u for it 2 though
-she considers you to be polite
-everyone likes teasing/hanging out with you of course
-you get jealous sometimes though even though you know Bea would never cheat or leave you
-you guys make sure everything doesn't collapse
-you also help at the store The Ol Pickaxe, because you know she can't carry all the rock salt in by herself
-helping out whenever you can even when she says no

Your patience

-ok so Mae is the complete opposite
-you don't just put up with her problems and "crimes" you help with them
-like the one time you guys hopped a fence to get to a huge hill and she got stuck on the fence
-that's why you wear jeans cause they don't get stuck to things unless they rip
-you had to pull her off the top of the fence which was taller than you
-now she has a rip in one of the legs of her pants and now you call them "crime pants"
-you also are like a literal boyfriend/girlfriend therapist no joke
-you guys are literal couple goals

Your commitment

-ok this one might sound stupid, but you are committed af
-so every time you hang out with anyone you always remind him that you belong to him
-you actually can get jealous really easily cause of this though
-well you win sometimes, other times ya lose
-wholesome relationship right here
-you guys are actually the most "responsible" besides Bea
-at least everyone trusts you with everything, no questions asked

Your differences

-you play all his games with him, and usually only Gregg would only consider that
-you pretty much do whatever he does and you don't mind what it is
-hanging out with his "weird" yet "cool" gang
-they excepted you right away because how quiet you can be when breaking things
-ngl you can break windows with a snap and little noises
-you guys were trapped in an abandoned apartment after screwing around with the locks, you guys got locked in
-you broke a window to get outside and unlock all the doors
-you are the official "breaking outer" now
-it's actually really fun since you can smash stuff without a care

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