When you're scared

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-he will probably be freaking out on the inside and outside
-asking you what's wrong every five seconds
-you say it's nothing
-"well that didn't look or seem like nothing! What's wrong? What's wrong?-"
-that continued for a while
-tried his best to calm you down like putting cups on your ears
-"look now you've got cups on your ears!"
-"thanks Gregg..."
-"No problem! So...what scared you this time? Was it the videos Mae keeps sending you of people falling off of stuff...and breaking their bones in the process?"
-"No...I'm used to those now...it's just...I watched a horror movie at 3am last night and than didn't end up sleeping..."
"Why didn't you get me?"
"You were passed out cold and I didn't wanna wake you...so..."

-calm on the outside a nervous wreck on the inside
-what can I do to help????
-a little to nervous to straight up ask you if you are really upset
-mostly cause she would go beat the shit out of the person that messed with you or you would freak out more
-she gives you a few minutes, no scratch that
-she gives you three seconds to relax a bit or she will do literally anything even if it means breaking someone's knee caps
-it would probably be someone jumping out a corner and scaring you but people learned not to do that
-two reasons: Bea would kill them, or you would accidentally punch or kick them as hard as you could
-Gregg still has bruises on his hip from when you kicked him


-she looks really worried but a reassuring worried look
-She's actually really calm and nice for once wow
-she is very reassuring when you're scared
-tbh you though she would call you a scaredy-cat for getting scared
-unless it's a random jump scare in a movie that makes you scream but not cry she won't laugh
-almost as serious as Bea for once
-calm but still very curious
-will try to calm you down with hugs and cuddles
-who knew Mae could actually purr am I right?


-having a literal mental breakdown and you can tell
-still acts calm so he doesn't scare you more
-whelp no more late night horror movies for you
-blanket and pillow fort!
-you guys decided to switch to a more lighthearted movie that you both would enjoy
-the movie being whatever you choose
-Angus was fine with pretty much any movie so he let you pick
-you weren't scared for long cause you have a big cuddly bear always at your side
-ngl he is always afraid you're gonna hurt yourself and/or end up in the hospital
-so he follows you everywhere with a bunch of excuses but you don't mind
-he never wants you to be afraid and with how reckless you can be you usually never seem to be
-however you are behind the couch shaking so he knew something was up right away
-popcorn as well obviously


-you were watching a horror movie marathon and it got to be too much for you
-Germ immediately noticed but put it off
-than you started to shake more and more, and would occasionally turn away
-Germ has no idea what to do
-" ummm...(Y/N)? Are you ok?"
-"wha-? Oh! Yeah, me, I'm ok. Why are you asking?"
"You clearly aren't dude, just tell me what's wrong ok? There's no harm in being unsettled by something."
"I....the movies are getting worse and my paranoia is kicking in..."
"You wanna change the channel?"
"Hey, get some rest on the couch. I'll move you to your bed once you pass out, I'm gonna watch a movie or two."
"It's almost 2am though, you need to sleep as well..."
"Half a movie."

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