What they do when you're sick

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-It took him a minute to realize you where in the room
-You we're asleep on the couch
-He picked you up and put you on his bed
-You were passed out cold
-You were freezing as well
-He decides to wake you up instead of waiting
-"What? Why did you wake me up?"
-"Are you ok?"
-That was when you left his apartment
-You ended up sleeping over
-you guys cuddled a lot


-you threw up twice but it was on and off
-she was worried
-not just normal worried,panicking and freaking out worried
-you told her you would be fine in a few days
-"Are you a doctor?"
-you didn't even need to answer
-geez that made you feel stupid
-she cuddled with you even though you warned her about getting sick
-"I don't mind"
-she sadly still had to go to work but she took longer breaks to be with you
-texts you every five seconds you're apart because she's afraid you'll be dumb and hurt yourself when she's gone

-you were coughing up a storm
-she stared at you for a minute
-then asked you if you were sick
-"NO why would you think THAT?"
-was all you said before she tackled you into a hug
-she tried calling Bea for help
-lets just say you got coffee cause of Bea, thx
-you slept in and Mae blowed up your phone asking if you were ok every five seconds


-this boi knows what he's doing!
-he makes soup from a can taste like it was made at a restaurant ngl
-You has the worst fever ever
-one second you're cold the next you're hot
-snuggles while watching movies on the couch


-you guys played games all day
-mostly video games but also board games
-you convinced him to finally get messenger on his computer yay!
-you couldn't stand and were dizzy half the time
-it wasn't bad tbh you guys had fun relaxing

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