When you do something stupid

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Will most likely join you in the stupidity unless it will get you hurt. He doesn't care if he gets hurt since he'll be fine however, if you get hurt. That's another story, he will drag you out of there quicker than flash to keep you out of harms way. This doesn't in's life smashing stuff or B and Es btw.

Will tell you it's stupid and to stop before you hurt yourself. Bea knows you way to well you are very reckless at times so she tends to be a BIT overprotective. This is only when you're doing something so stupid it could kill you. Such as the time you were balancing on a bridge's rails and almost fell into the creek. Bea caught you just in time and you were so scared that would happen you refused to walk on that bridge for a week.

Will help you do it or will join you. Mae is a kinda YOLO person in general so she really gives zero effs. However, she usually ends up hurting herself so you have to be the party crasher. Pretty much you just drag her home or run her away from the cops because eff them anyways.

Will get really anxious and worried automatically. It really depends what you're doing but he will usually pick you up and bring you home. Or anywhere safe away from the 'danger', he doesn't find many things dangerous it seems but when your involved he's like a walking child safety lock. He does mean well though so if you tell him how it's somewhat reasonable he will let you do it warning you if your hurt he'll drive you home and not let you leave for at least 2 days.

He obviously doesn't really care what you do. Jk he cares a lot just doesn't really show it, this ends up with you getting injured quite often and not letting him know. He sometime finds out like the time you sprained your ankle jumping off the bridge and didn't tell him but he found out obviously. How you may ask, he went to his spot being across the bridge and saw you on the ground under the bridge laying there. You took a second before getting up limping for a second and than walking perfectly fine. He confronted you and than locked you and him in his house for the rest of the day, it wasn't THAT bad tbh.

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