Mae x fem reader part 1

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Mae's POV

"How much longer until we meet the new girl? It's been like...forever." I said naggingly.
"It's been 10 minutes Mae, but yeah it's been a little longer than we expected..." Bea said questioningly.
At that moment the train arrived two figures coming off of it. One of the figures waved at the other and hugged them before jumping back on to the train last second. The other figure picked up their bags, tied their shoes, and began to walk away from the station.
"Hey! Are you (Y/N)?" I asked as the character began to walk by.
"Yes it is. And you may be?" The person said. It was definitely a female by her voice and stature, she was in a hoodie with an off looking tail so you couldn't tell what animal she was. Maybe that was the point?
"I'm Beatrice Santello, this is Gregg, Angus, and Mae." Bea answered.
"Oh! I've heard a bit about you all! I'm (Y/N) the (A/T). It's nice to finally meet you all!" She answered. Man, she seemed a bit like Bea. Pretty monotone and chill in general but she also seems to want to express more emotions. I wonder why she doesn't.
"I actually gotta go, it's pretty late 1:28 am to be exact. And my roommate got here yesterday so I can't keep them waiting any longer!" (Y/N) said rushing her words slightly.
"It was nice meeting you all!" She yelled as she pulled out a skateboard/pair of rollerblades/shoes. She slid them on quite fast and was gone without another word.
"That didn't give us much to go off of did it?" Gregg commented.
"At least we're know a bit more about her. We know what she looks like and what animal she is." Bea said hopefully.
"But we don't know anything else!" I pretty much yelled. Our visit was quite short so we didn't get to find much out. It's so frustrating to not know anything about someone! Than it makes it impossible to know if they're a good person or even a person in general!
"Well, I requested to meet up with her and her roommate at the dinner tomorrow. They agreed and it's at 1 pm for lunch be there on time everyone ok? Otherwise they'll probably give away our table and that's not exactly ideal." Bea said.
"Agreed!" I said and waved everyone goodbye. Everyone said their fairwells and we headed back to our houses/apartments.

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