Mae x reader | love disorder |

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This one was a request by @Canis_Auctor ! Hope I portrayed it to your liking, it was kinda hard to stick to the bipolar disorder theme but I just went with personal experience of extreme highs and lows (I haven't been diagnosed yet but I've been told I may have it)


"Yeah I'm fine (y/n)! These highs and lows are nothing for me! I will fight them like the beast they are, AND WIN!" I screamed excitedly.
"Lucky, I've been in a depressive spiral for over a week, my emotions died on meeeee!" (y/n) spoke quietly.
"C'monnn babe! How about we go to..." I started.
"Pastabilities!" My partner yelled loudly.
"EXACTLY!" I also exclaimed. "Now let's go, we need to get there earlier so we have enough time to get dessert!" I laughed waving my arms in the air momentarily.
"Hehe, yeah." (y/n) commented.
"Oh shush I know it'll make you feel better." I said waving my paw in a sassy motion.
"You do know how to make me feel better..." They said lovingly.
"I know! I cheered.
"Then let's get going, as you said we don't want to miss desserttt~"

Time skip to the restaurant


Sometimes I really don't know how Mae is so energetic. I mean I have my bursts of emotions and such but they're never like Mae's...Damn I wish...
"Sweetheart! You ok? You've been zoned out for a little while and haven't even touched your pizza! I mean I know it's not the best pizza ever...but, it is pretty decent on the pizza scale!" She giggles slightly.
"Oh don't even get me started on the pizza scale. How did you and Gregg even come up with that? Or was it just you? Or Gregg?" You responded chucking slightly, tapping your paw/hoove on the table.

The dessert was momentarily put in front of you and Mae.
"Uhhh, Mae? Why didn't you order two?" You said starting to get slightly antsy.
"Well...I thought that since you like all that romantic crap that you wouldn't mind sharing a milkshake with me?" Mae said her fur turning a slight shade darker.
"You know me to well." You giggled punching her arm lightly.
She giggled and got two straws, walking back over and sitting across from me in the booth.
She put and straws in and we starting drinking the (flavor) milkshake.
"Hey (nickname)! You know what's sweeter than this milkshake? You!" Mae giggled.
"Pfftt, that was so cheesy." You laughed.
"Not as cheesy as the crappy nachos here!" Mae reminded me.
"Oh yeah! Remember when we were on our first date here and we decided to split a large nacho, with that crappy cheese?" Mae laughed.
"OH MY GOD, WE WERE THROWING UP FOREVER!" I yelled clearly drawing attention to the two of us.
"Ok ok ok" Mae said calming down from laughing so hard.
"We should get going it's getting pretty late." Mae reminded me.
"Oh, ok. Would you umm..."
"Like to stay over at your place for a sleepover? %100!" Mae cheered.
"*sigh* You know me too well MaeMae~" you chimed causing Mae to turn a dark purple color.

"You're the best partner I could've asked for (y/n)~"

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