•Chapter Fifteen•

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"I'm sorry"

"Huh?" The words were so sudden.

They've been laying in the hospital bed together since they woke up. Only moving to use the restroom.

When Gon woke up he thought it was time to apologize for what happened.

"I'm sorry. For everything. Every ounce of pain I've caused you. Every time I made you cry, or upset, or feel any negative emotion. Any problems I caused that made your parents and siblings upset. I'm sorry for not treating you like you deserve to be treated. And I understand if you don't want to see me anymore and if you probably hate me" the apology still didn't feel like enough. He could've said more.

Could've done more.

Killua stared at him with wide eyes before he started laughing loudly.

It took Gon back. Now it was time for his eyes to grow wide, as the small boy began to calm down into a fit of giggles.

"Of course i want to see you, and no matter how much of a jerk you were I don't hate you"

"So you're not mad at me?"

"Oh no I'm livid. But I can't do anything about it now while I'm in this hospital bed"

"Oh..." it took a moment for the words to process in his mind. He doesn't hate him.

It took a lot of weight off his shoulders. He felt lighter.

"Thank you"

"For what?"

"For not hating me like everyone else"

"No matter how much you mess up I could never hate you"

He pulled him in for a hug. Minding his injuries of course.

"Alright get off me, I'm hungry"


Killua had a few more days left in the hospital.

Gon's been in and out, but when he comes he always brings his favorite food or balloons. One time even bringing a flower.

A single one. He stated that Killua would probably let the poor flowers die if he had to much.

It was a white rose.

One of the best gifts he could've gotten.

His family also visited.

A lot.

Which annoyed him. He was grateful. But they never sat with him to talk.

They just bugged him about school.

Which was fine...to a certain extent.

His siblings mainly talked to him about Gon and his friends.

He kicks them out when they get too annoying.

Retz even came.

Worst visit hes ever gotten in his life. She put up a fake smile when she came in. Only because his family was there of course.

They liked her.

So they left him alone with her.

Once they left it was like she changed into a totally different person. She began accusing him of lying about his injuries.

Even calling him an attention whore. Stating that if he just wanted Gon's attention.

She had the nerve to call him jealous too. If he wasn't in a hospital he would've argued back. But he didn't want to cause a scene in a hospital when there's other patients hurting.

When Retz got everything out she needed to say, she smiled and walked out. Though her emerald eyes definitely didn't match it.

He left the hospital with a broken arm and a few bruises on his body. But nothing to serious.

So Killua was able to go back to school for the most part

He knew it was going to be awkward when he went back too.

And it was. The stares from the students and teachers were filled with pity.

He hated it. To be look at like that.

It was almost laughable, if it weren't for his teachers practically babying him.

Retz didn't like that at all. She made it be known too but Killua wasn't bothered.

She bumped him, shouldered her way past him, even tried to push him.

Luckily she was stopped before it could happen. She already hurt his arm even more than it already was.

Gon stopped her before she could do anymore damage. And he was pissed. Eyes darker than Killua has ever seen before.

Honestly it scared him.

He couldn't do much in the situation was pull Gon (drag basically) away from Retz before he caused a seen.

I really liked the beginning, the middle is just shit imo. the quality dropped.

I couldn't really get a full chapter out though so i hope you enjoy this. its about seven hundred words. anyways next chapter will be better.

also! im posting a new story on AO3. so check it out

Chapter Finished: 09-08-2021
Chapter Posted:09-08-2021
Word Count:763
Later Loves😌❤️

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