•Chapter Twenty•

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Kurapika and Leorio weren't happy to find out Killua skipped school, but honestly they haven't been happy with Killua in months.

"I can't believe you dragged him out of school! Again!" Leorio yelled at Gon. Obnoxiously of course.

"It wasn't my idea." Gon slouched in his desk chair with a pout.

They were in Mr. Wings class for lunch. He allowed them to occupy the room while he attended a meeting.

"Killua it was your idea?" Kurapika spoke up, raising an eyebrow at silent boy.

He nodded his head, looking up and meeting his eyes.

"I just, I don't know. It had nothing to do with before though. I promise." Gon knocked his knee onto Killua's.

"Killua. Don't make it a habit." Kurapika says sternly. Killua huffs and rolls his eyes.

"Okay, Mom. Are you two done? We haven't talked in forever and when we do you're getting on me." Killua crossed his arms, sticking out his bottom lip. Gon looked away from his mouth.

"We're sorry Killua. We're just worried." Leorio said, trying to be comforting.

"Fuck me, right." Gon muttered to himself, making Killua giggle quietly.

Leorio and Kurapika pointedly ignored Gon.

Killua missed school the next day.

He was finally getting his arm freed from the wretched cast that was on.

Gon wouldn't complain about being left at school alone with no warning. He'd suck it up and gather Killua's missing work like it was a paid task.

With no Killua around, it also meant that Retz was able to bother him freely.

"Gon!!" She sang. "Where's the snake?" Retz asked innocently, blinking up at him with big green eyes.

"Killua, is at the hospital getting his cast removed. What do you want Retz." He spoke, looking forward and refusing to face her, no matter how much she tried to get his eyes on her.

"I've missed you, you know? You're always with him." He could hear her pout. He rolled his eyes and turned to her.

"Retz, I've been with him since my first day. Frankly, this "crush" of yours is sad and pathetic. Stop bothering me." Gon said coldly, brushing past her roughly. Not caring how his shoulder hit hers on the way.

Gon stormed off. He wanted to leave. But he couldn't. Not if it was for himself anymore.

The weekend finds Gon and Killua in the latter room. Killua had called Gon and asked if he wanted to play his older brothers video games, and Gon couldn't resist not seeing Killua. Especially when he asked.

The only Zoldyck's present today were his parents, the rest of his siblings somehow all getting out the house.

Killua knew it was a bit risky to sneak Gon over, but he didn't mind the possible consequences that were to happen if they got caught.

So they snuck into his older brothers room and grabbed his console and controllers. Killua explains that if everything isn't put back in the right spot before his brother returns, they'll both be dead.

Killua had a 4 time winning streak in Mario Kart, much to Gon's surprise. He would be fuming if it weren't for the satisfied look in his blue eyes.

"I thought you were good at this game." He teases smugly as he crosses the finish line again, a smirk present on his face as his character, Rosalina, does her winning animation as Bowser does his losing one.

"I am good. You're just a monster." Gon turns away. Killua laughs freely, as if his parents knew of Gon's existence in the Estate.

Thin pale unsuspecting fingers reach up and pull Gon's face towards the culprit.

"One more?" Gon gulps, and nods his head. Very uncool like.

But it's worth it for the way Killua's thin lips stretch into a grin.

Killua let's go and starts the round, like he didn't turn what's left of Gon's brain into mush.

It's not until the second lap where Gon gets his shit together and actually puts up a challenge.

Two hours later, they still somehow have not alerted Killua's parents of Gon's presence in their house.

It's a miracle to Gon honestly.

They also managed to place Milluki's game in its designated spot and all is going smoothly.

It would be for Gon anyways, if it weren't for Killua sitting very closely to him, holding his hand.

Okay, he wasn't holding his hand to just hold his hand, but still, he was painting his nails in a clear coat. Gon insisted on absolutely no color.

Not right now anyways.

Anyways, back to Gon's very serious dilemma. Killua is looking down at Gon's thick fingers with deep concentration.

His eyes are narrowed, glasses mindlessly left on his large bed somewhere.

Killua stopped talking awhile ago, the only noise is the soft music coming from his speaker.

Gon was too busy silently wondering what he could've done to put himself in this situation.

This was a far cry from halloween. When there wasn't much talking and when there was, it was arguing or chastising comments.

When they kissed and had gotten lost in each other's bodies.

Gon doesn't think he needs any of that now. He thinks he's content with Mario Kart and the strong scent of nail polish as Killua applies another coat.

He's content with soft music and old shitty movies from his childhood.

For the first time in a long time, Gon isn't longing for something more than what he has. He isn't regretting his choices and he's enjoying the moment instead of being stuck in the past.

When Killua finally finishes, the music changes to some pop song.

Gon grabs Killua's little sister's bucket of nail polish as he searches for a color to paint his nails with.

He takes out a light blue, and gently takes Killua hand in his.

The strokes of polish aren't as neat, and there's a bit too much in some spots. But Killua smiles all the same and interlocks their hands for a photo.

When Killua goes to look at the picture later that night, when Gon goes home. He sees that Gon isn't looking at the camera, or their hands, but at him.

He nearly screams into his pillow.

Omg, I hope this chapter was enjoyable. I have a major headache and i'm super sleepy, but I wanted to finish this before I lost my creative "juices" or some shit like that idfk.

anyways. i kinda worked hard on this. i'm really not trying to rush this or anything but again my pacing has never been good. and i want them to kiss. im pretty impatient.

Chapter Started: 7/11/2024
Chapter Published:7/13/2024
wc: 1120
thank you for reading
later loves🫶🏾

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