•Chapter Eighteen•

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Gon's choice of movies is exactly what anyone would expect them to be.

Absolutely horrific.

Growing up in the Zoldyck Estate, Killua never got to watch any movies of his choice.

He was forced to watch documentaries or whatever weird animated movie his older brother wanted him to see.

Killua was sure his opinion of a bad movie was skewed, but after watching one of Gon's favorites, he was sure his opinion wasn't too far off.

Right now, they were (surprisingly) in Gon's room watching a movie called 'Shark Boy and Lava Girl'?

Killua tried to pay attention to Gon's explanation of how the movie is an old-school classic and not think about the last few times he's been in this room.

"Killua, you can't sit here and tell me this movie is awful. It's a classic!"

"I don't see how this movie can be considered good. It's sloppy, and the backgrounds need work."

"You just don't know good cinema."
Gon turned his head to the side like a spoiled brat.

Killua quirked an eyebrow at him. "I know this isn't a good example of good cinema."

"Just wait until we watch Wall-E."  Gon had this childlike expression on his face that Killua wanted to ignore.

He should probably be going home soon, but he wanted to watch more stupid movies with Gon. He wanted to see this side of him more.

"Fine, but this is the last one. If I'm not home soon, my mom will kill me."

The smile that broke out on the boy's face was something special. Killua wanted to hold onto it and keep it in his pocket. 

Gon quickly grabbed his TV remote and moved to turn the movie on. The excited gleam was there as the opening credits showed.

Killua had to force himself to look away and watch the screen.

He hopes that his falling asleep at the Freecss house does not become a constant.

He jumps out of Gon's bed at record speed, uncaring if he woke Gon up in the process.

He snatches his ringing phone off the ground and tries to pretend he doesn't panic when he sees his mother's contact on the screen.

"Shit, shit, shit!"

"What's wrong?" Gon asks sleepily, rubbing his eyes and sitting up on his bed.

"I fell asleep here again! My mom is going to kill me."

Gon makes a face that Killua pointedly ignores and answers the call anxiously.

"KILLUA ZOLDYCK! WHERE ARE YOU?!" His mother all but screeches over the phone, making him yank his phone away from his ear.

"I'm sorry, Mom, I lost track of time while at the library; I'm on my way home now." He tries to reply steadily but fails.


"Okay, okay. I'm packing up now." He tucks his phone between his ear and shoulder and grabs his belongings with his hand. He was quietly looking at Gon for help.

He smiles in gratitude when Gon groans quietly and starts moving to help him pack his bookbag and put it on gently.

Killua eventually gets off the phone with his mom with a huff.

"I'm sorry for waking you up.

"It's fine. Not like it was the first time, and I'm sure it won't be the last time either." Killua can only put his head down with a small smile.

"Come on, I'll walk you home," Gon says with his hand sticking out for him to hold. Killua places his hand in his and pretends to be normal about the whole thing

The walk is longer than ten minutes; they rush and try to move faster, but they talk and laugh too much to be pressed for time.

Eventually, they make it to the front of the Zoldyck Estate. Killua sighs as they stop at the front of the gate.

"Thank you for walking me home, Gon. I had fun." Killua does not mention how adorable it is when Gon's ears turn a deep red.

He looks away bashfully, "I had fun too."

Killua smiles at him and lets go of his hand to open the gate, "Goodnight, Gon."

"Goodnight, Killua." Gon's voice is soft and airy. It's so different from the first time he's heard it.

Killua forces himself to turn away from him once again.

He feels Gon's eyes on his back as he makes the short walk to the front door; he turns around to wave goodbye, not waiting for a wave in return.

He braces himself for his mother's shouting as he opens the door and is surprised when his older brother Illumi is there to greet him at the door.

"You're late. Mother is very angry with you." Illumi is leaning against the wall across from the front door with his arms crossed over his chest.

"I know; it was a long walk from the library. I'm tired, though, so I'm gonna head to bed."

"Kil, you know how mother and father feel about that boy." Killua can hear the slightest bit of emotion in Illumi's voice, and it bothers him.

He hates it.

He breathes deeply through his nose as he looks at his brother with listless eyes.

"I don't think my relationships are any of their concern. Whatever I choose to do with Gon is my business, and I would appreciate it if it stayed that way." Killua kept his voice level and calm, not wanting to give anything away.

He turned away from his brother and walked to his bedroom.

Killua opens his room door and is happy to see his little sister lying on his bed, waiting for him.

"Alluka, why are you still awake?" he asks softly, walking over to his bed and sitting beside her.

"I was waiting for you to come home. I missed you." Killua felt his heart warm; he smiled at her softly and wrapped his arm around her as best he could.

"You staying in here tonight?"


With her help, he changes into his night clothes and gets into bed.

They talk about their days, and she, of course, bugs him about Gon. He tries to tell her it's not like that and that they're just friends.

But she doesn't believe it.

Does he want more with Gon?

He doesn't know. The thought sounds nice, but he can't ignore everything that happened. Yes, Gon apologized, but Killua didn't know if he could believe it was genuine.

The chime of his phone brought him out of his thoughts.

Gon: gudnight killua

Killua is embarrassed by the smile and blush that took over his face. He turns his phone off and shoves his face into his pillow.

so two chapters in year? fucking insane.

i hope you all enjoyed this chapter. im trying to pace this right, but i've never been a good writer so i hope it makes sense.

idk when the next upload will be, but hopefully i can get out more than two chapters this year.
Chapter Started: 5/4/2024
Chapter Published: 5/4/2024
wc: 1122
thank you for reading
later loves🫶🏾

sorry folks, i just realized the picture never got uploaded at the beginning of the chapter

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