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Me: You know that scene where Bruce says "I put a bullet in my head and the other guy spat it out" or something like that. What if you found him trying to do exactly that.

Jarvis: This has violence and acts of suicide. If these are sensitive subjects please skip this chapter.

Me: you can always text me or someone you're comfortable with if you need someone to talk to about this sort of stuff.

Jarvis's POV

(Y/N) has been working for Bruce for a few years now. Nothing has ever happened between them that I would write about, except this.

Bruce had just gotten back from a mission with the others. Natasha had calmed the Hulk and now Bruce was left to self loath as he often did after a mission.

(Y/N) was sitting in the lab when she saw Bruce fast walk past the doors. She looked up at him as he went pasted and, just like me, she saw the distress on his face.

(Y/N) put down her pencil and quickly hurried after Bruce. Bruce was much faster than (Y/N) but she knew where he was heading.

How you might ask, I told her. I knew something was upsetting Bruce and I believed (Y/N) to be a good comforter.

(Y/N) knocked on Bruce's door but got no response. She knocked again and Bruce opened the door. "Are you alright Bruce? You seemed upset when you walked past the lab." (Y/N) said to Bruce.

"I'm fine thank you. I'll be in the lab later." Bruce said and slot closed the door. (Y/N) nodded before talking one or two steps backwards. It was unusual for Bruce to be so dismissive to (Y/N).

This odd, dismissive and rude behaviour continued for a few days until we found out why. Everyone was worried over Bruce, and they had all tried to talk to him, but (Y/N) was worried so much that it was affecting her health and well being.

(Y/N) started making coffee one morning and started walking to Bruce's room. She did this every morning for him no matter what.

(Y/N) knocked on Bruce's door and, as usual, got no response from him. She would have left him alone if it wasn't for the clicking of a gun.

I opened the door for (Y/N) as I knew what was happening on the other side. She ran inside, dropping the coffee on the floor as she did so.

Bruce held a gun in his mouth and had the safety clicked off. "NO!" (Y/N) yelled to him but it was too late. Just as Bruce pulled the trigger, he turned green.

(Y/N) took a few steps back as Bruce became the Hulk. The Hulk turned around, looked into (Y/N)s eyes and spat a bullet towards her.

Being both scared and surprised, (Y/N) gasped then screamed. Her scream was just loud enough to alert the other Avengers that something was happening.

(Y/N) picked up the bullet carefully and let it sit in the palm of her hand. "That's improbable." She said as she rolled it around. (Y/N) must have completely forgotten that the Hulk was in the room with her as she began to study the bullet.

The other Avengers ran in and stopped in their tracks when they saw the Hulk hunched over in Bruce's room. "(Y/N), what happened?" Steve asked as he took her by the shoulders and moved her backwards.

"Bruce, umm, Bruce shot himself and well, the Hulk spat the bullet back out." (Y/N) told them and let Steve see the bullet Bruce had used.

When Nat tried to calm Hulk he got mad and started throwing things. A glass coffee table hit the wall and shattered into hundreds of pieces. Many of the glass shards cut (Y/N)s face and hands. Steve got hit by a few too.

As they kept trying to calm Hulk, (Y/N) clambered off of the floor, where she had fallen to duck the coffee table unsuccessfully, and she walked carefully but confidently over to Hulk. She closed her eyes, put her hand out and the Hulk put his hand on hers.

Hulk disappeared and Bruce returned, holding hands with (Y/N). Bruce was pulled into a hug by (Y/N) and she squeezed him tight. "Don't ever do that again." She said in a tone that I was glad wasn't directed at me.

"Sorry," Bruce said and hugged her back only to be pushed away slightly.

"You don't have to be sorry, just talk to us next time, please." (Y/N) said and smiled at Bruce. Bruce smiled back and agreed to talk about his problems.

"Your hurt?!" Bruce said as he saw all the cuts on (Y/N)s face along with the blood that was trickling down her face. "I'm so sorry," Bruce said and started to try and help (Y/N).

"It's alright, I'm alright." (Y/N) said as she pulled Bruce into another hug.

"I apologize for breaking this up but Miss (Y/N) needs medical attention," I said with a large amount of regret. It was very sweet watching them hug.

"Oh right," (Y/N) said and let go of Bruce. Together they walked to the hospital lab so (Y/N)s cuts would be cleaned at fixed up.

They walked, hand in hand, with wide, smiled on their faces.

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