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Me: In this (Y/N) is only a teenager around 16-17. Her past birthdays have been shocking and she was hoping this birthday would be better. Enjoy

Jarvis POV

(Y/N) had been waiting months for today. She had told everyone a few weeks before that today was her birthday and she was secretly hoping they would remember and do something for her. She didn't want a big fancy party or a wide range of gifts. She just wanted them to say happy birthday and that was it.

As far as I can access, (Y/N)s childhood was rough. She was never in one house for more than a year. Her parents barely did anything with her. Her first boyfriend forgot their anniversary two years in a row and when (Y/N) finally left home she found us.

The Avengers have never meant to upset (Y/N) but she can be sensitive about certain things. Today she just wanted her birthday to be acknowledged.

(Y/N) walked out of her room and into the kitchen. Tony was sitting and drinking his tenth coffee in 10 hours. Tony said nothing. I saw the smile on (Y/N)s face drop slightly but otherwise, she seemed okay. She put her smile back up and started making her breakfast trying to be strong and not worry over the fact that Tony had forgotten. 

As (Y/N) cooked her breakfast the other Avengers walked in but none of them said anything. Feeling bad and slightly angry, (Y/N) sat down and nibbled away at her food. She thought that maybe they had just planned a surprise for later and didn't want to give anything away. I knew there wasn't anything planned. 

By the time (Y/N) had finished her breakfast she had met nearly everyone who was remotely an Avenger and none of them had said anything to her except a small hello. (Y/N) was showing signs of being disheartened and I could see a few tears in her eyes. She sniffled and wiped her eyes on her sleeve and yet again none of the others seemed to notice. 

Loki came into the room and smiled at (Y/N). He sat next to her on the lounge and put his arm around her. "Happy birthday darling," He said and handed her an emerald green card with beautiful print on the front. (Y/N) looked at him and smiled the prettiest smile I had seen her do. 

"Thank you so much Loki," She said and hugged him with all her might. That's when the other Avengers noticed the birthday card in her hand. The wave of realisation that flooded over their faces was shocking to see. 

Everyone started rambling their apologies when they realised what had happened. She looked at them with a fake smile and said it was okay but I knew she was lying. So did Loki from his expression.

"Sorry (Y/N)," Tony said and looked at her, ashamed at himself for forgetting. 

"Guys it's okay," She said but rage started growing on her face. The others kept talking to her and apologising while Loki put his hand on (Y/N)s hand. It seemed the amount of apologising that was happening was just making everything worse and (Y/N) was looking to the ground. When Tony used the excuse that they had just had a lot of missions as to why they had forgotten. (Y/N) sniffled and glared at the wall behind them all. "No it's alright I understand. You are all busy adults, you don't have time to think about the kids." (Y/N) said and got up and ran away. 

She ran away and to her room which was on the very top floor. She slammed her door and ran to her window sill. She opened the window and let the cold air brush against her face. "Go away Loki," She said and took a deep breath of the cold air.

"(Y/N), it's alright..." Loki said and sat next to (Y/N) at the window. (Y/N) shook her head and I saw the tears in her eyes. Loki must have seen them too. "Darling..." Loki began but (Y/N) shook her head.

"It's not okay...Every birthday I've ever had has been the worst one. They get worse and worse every year and I thought this year would be good. I thought this year would be amazing with all my new friends and family but's just like every other one." She said and cried silently. "I shouldn't get my hopes up," (Y/N) added and used her sleeve to wipe her eyes.

Loki pulled (Y/N) into a hug and (Y/N) rested her head on his chest as she cried. No words were spoken but I had a feeling no words were needed.

Time jump

A few hours later (Y/N) begrudgingly followed Loki into the kitchen. He finally had convinced (Y/N) to come and have some dinner. As they entered the kitchen they saw what the others had been working on all afternoon.

(Y/N) gasped but smiled brightly. The kitchen and living room had been decorated with her favourite colours in the form of streamers, balloons and a big happy birthday banner. Loki smiled and gently pushed (Y/N) further into the room. 

She smiled brightly at the sight of the room and the Avengers stepped forward out of the shadows so (Y/N) could see them better. (Y/N) smile lessened slightly but she still looked happy. Tony stepped forward with Nat close behind. "We are so sorry that we forgot. We have no excuses that make it any better." Tony said and held out a small gift box. 

"We are sorry for forgetting and we know that your past birthdays have been shit. We are going to try and make it up to you," Nat said and gave (Y/N) a hug. (Y/N) hugged nat back very happy and she was blushing slightly. 

"Thank you guys," (Y/N) said and smiled at Loki. 'thank you,' she mouthed to him. Loki gave her a small nod and everyone started chatting happily. The look on (Y/N)s face was defiantly happy but I could see a slight hint of sadness in her eyes. Loki stuck close to (Y/N) no matter where she went and I think it was for both of their comforts. 

The other Avengers took turns apologising to (Y/N) as she sat and talked to them all. She told them about her past birthdays and how this was still the best birthday she had had. The others promised to make it up to her and I could see she believed them. 

Published: 9.8.2021

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