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Me: You know Steve when you were both little. Similar to what happened to Bucky happened to you and now Steve and you are together.

Jarvis: Enjoy

Jarvis POV

(Y/N) sighed heavily and slumped next to Steve as of trying to get his attention. He said nothing so she sighed again. He didn't respond so she sighed again and it went like this for a few minutes before Steve spoke. "Something tells me you're bored." He said and turned his head to look at her.

"Can we do something fun?" (Y/N) asked and Steve nodded.

"Like what?" He asked and chuckled when (Y/N) sat on his lap. She snuggled her face into his neck and sighed.

"I wanna have childish fun. Like build a cubby house or something." She said and Steve smiled brightly.

Even I have to admit that it sounded like fun and I knew they would enjoy it.

"Sounds fun." Steve responded and jumped off the lounge ready to go. (Y/N) fell onto the floor but she giggled the whole time.

"Kinda the point of doing it. For Fun!" She said as she climbed off of the floor. Something about they way she said it, I knew that would come back to haunt her soon. Steve kissed (Y/N) and they got to work. "I'll get pillows, blankets and stuff to make it cozy inside. Can you get chairs to support it with." (Y/N) Said and Steve went to find chairs, cardboard boxes and anything he could use to support the blankets of the cubby house.

They built, re-built and re built again untill the cubby house was built. I watched the cubby house crumble then be rebuilt for hours until finally they got it set up. "Well that was fun." (Y/N) mumbled I heard the sarcasm.

"You wanted to do this. 'For fun!'" Steve quoted (Y/N) and she frowned but they both started laughing. "Should we get snacks?" Steve asked but before (Y/N) could answer he answered for her. "I know, I know. 'What kind of a question is that? Of course we need snacks' I'll get the snacks." He said. Any time Steve asked if (Y/N) wanted or needed something to eat she always said those words to fit the food or drink.

"You know me so well," (Y/N) said then chucked the last pillow from their shared bed into the fort so it would be comfortable.

Now, as I have no cameras in their little fort I don't know what it looks like. From what they borrowed from the others, there was some alcohol from Tony, a purple lantern from Bruce, some of Natasha's wire to help hold everything up, Even a cute little cloud light from Thor. Clint had refused to let them steal anything from him.

Steve got snacks and knocked on the box that was a door. "I come barring snacks." He said and (Y/N) stuck her head out to see.

"My favourite." She said and opened the door, which was just a blanket, so Steve could come in. "It's so nice in here." I heard and I listened to them talk. They shared memories and they started talking about what happened to Steve when he took the serum. Steve told her everything about it and I took s few notes to add to his file. They spoke happily about the past, hidden under many blankets and pillows.

Everything was going amazingly until a box gave way and everything came tumbling down. All the blankets, pillows, boxes and mother support beams fell down and the whole thing was destroyed. I heard (Y/N) yelp and Steve was chuckling as they tried to free their heads from under all the fallen blankets.

 "All of our hard work." Groaned (Y/N) as she freed her head from under the blankets. Even though her words were upset her smile told me she didn't mind all that much.

"It was fun while it lasted," Steve said and (Y/N) nodded. It looked like fun and I wished that I could be a part of the fun. I missed being human sometimes.

"Thanks for building it with me. It was fun." (Y/N) said and Steve started chuckling. "What?" She asked getting rather frustrated with Steve.

"You didn't think it was fun earlier." Steve chuckled and (Y/N) started laughing too. They chuckled together and Steve started tickling (Y/N) with no mercy. Steve tickled (Y/N) for a while until the only way to get him to stop was what she did next. 

(Y/N) put her hands on Steves next and pulled his head to hers. (Y/N) pulled Steve into a kiss and Steve was so shocked that he stopped tickling her. Steve must have started kissing back because I saw (Y/N) smile. I decided to leave them alone. 

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