A family just for me

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A doll's head laid on one side of her and the other was the doll's body. Flashes of her mother ran through her mind. It was so bloody. It was just...so bloody.

Her breathing was erratic and it was the only noise coming out of her. Her shaking was intense and noticeable. The social worker ran over to her. She grabbed her shoulders trying to shake her out of it. More flashes came by and the girl passed out.

She landed herself back in the hospital. This time she was only there for a few hours. Once the tests cleared her she was sent to a psychiatrist. She was only 5 but she showed clear signs of PTSD and anxiety. The doctor did not want to diagnose her so he said she was just an overactive child.

They did not attend to her needs and left her to be with her bear. She did not want to play or interact with anyone. The social worker tended to her other children and left her alone in the sleeping room. There were many bunk beds, a window, and a little light.

The girl sat at the end of one of the beds. She crouched herself in a cradle position. She did not move that position all night. Not even to sleep. The bear stared at her while she stared back.

When the morning came, they got her cleaned and dressed her up cute to meet her foster family. They were a young couple not older than 30. The woman was a nurse and the man sold bibles. They thought it was their duty to serve the Lord by adopting kids. They have adopted a boy a year ago and were looking for a little girl to make the family complete. What they did not know what nightmare she went through or how she processed it. They were told that her mother abandoned her here and that was it. They were ready for a hesitant and damaged child but were not ready for the girl's nightmares.

When they first met, the woman got down to her level. "That's a cute teddy that you have. Does it have a name?"

The girl nodded her head.

"Can I know it?"

The girl was hesitant at first but the woman looks like if heaven was a person. She walked over to her ear and whispered the name "Carrie".

The man got to the level too. "Can I know too?" He inquired while staring at her gently.

The girl did not answer and began to fall back. It's like all the life fallen from her eyes and only fear remained. The woman caught her and whispered in her ear back. "He's okay. He's with me." She smiled so brightly. The smile reminded the girl of honey so she accepted her response. She did not touch the man but she said Carrie quietly. She grabbed the little girl's hand. They walked out with the little girl in between them. 

She thought in this world so cold she finally found some sunshine. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2021 ⏰

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