Secrets behind perfection

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Vaughn was driving terribly fast. You could hear her heart racing. Adrenaline was running through her veins. She reached a little diner and pressed hard on the breaks. Perry was startled throughout all of this but she was too shocked to say anything.

"We're here." Vaughn said, breathing heavily.

"You- could've killed me! I am still pregnant, you know?"

"Sorry. I was... Let's just go inside."

Vaughn checked her watch. She said phew to herself then lead Perry inside. Perry sat down at a booth and looked at her menu. Vaughn went off to talk to someone inside the kitchen. A man came out of the kitchen. Vaughn did not.

"Howdy there, little lady." His accent was awfully thick. He sat down in front of her. Perry would say something but she was too hungry to say anything but hi.

"Howdy." She said in her regular American accent. She couldn't pass for a southerner and she would not try.

"You're not from around here are you?"

"No." She said her words in a crisp way. She was trying to subtly tell him to piss off. She only used crisp, short answers when she wasn't interested. She had a family. No need to mess it up, for now.

He asked her more questions and she felt uncomfortable. She urged for him to withdraw himself. Vaughn came back. You could tell she went for a smoke. Her teeth were getting uglier by the minute and she was drenched in the smell. At least she could be Perry's savior.

Vaughn did not try to shoo him away. She greeted him with a warm smile. He got up and gave her a hug.

Oh,no. She's trying to set me up,isn't she? I will just decline and get out of here. I haven't gotten my food yet though. Where is the waitress? She hasn't stopped by once.

"So does she have the job?" Vaughn asked.

When he asked if $5 an hour enough I thought he meant as a prostitute. Like I would ever be that cheap. But now all those questions make sense.

"Yes, ma'am. She definitely does." They shook hands. Then he shook Perry's hands.

"Thank you for hiring me. Can I get food? I've been waiting to eat for hours."

"You surely can. Sorry for keeping you waiting." He smiled again. It was comforting. A genuine smile. "Get table 9 for me Shelly!" He yelled.

She came stumbling over. "I'm sorry. I'm too clumsy. So, you're working here, now?"

Vaughn answered for her. "Yes, she is."

The waitress rolled her eyes at Vaughn and turned towards Perry. "Okay...When do you start, sweetie?"

Before Vaughn could move her lips to speak, Perry blurted out that she didn't know. "I didn't even know it was a interview. I'm just hungry."

"Let's get you some food then. What do you want?"

Perry ordered some food. Before the waitress left, she mumbled under her breathe.

"What did you say?" Vaughn asked. You could tell she was being condescending.

"Do you want anything to eat?" Shelly emphasized every syllable.

"A salad."

The waitress muttered something about her being a skinny b***h. She said other things but that was the most Perry could here.

"I heard something did you Perry?"

'Uh, no."

Vaughn griped but let it go. Shelly looked like she wanted to kill Vaughn but she kept walking.

"You know that old woman is something else."

"She doesn't look too much older than you." perry said.

Vaughn gulped. "You think I look forty?" Vaughn whispered.

"I thought you were 35. Oh wow. Did not know that."

"Nevermind that. I don't like that wanch."

"Why not?" Perry loved any type of drama. She even loved a little bit of her own from time to time.

"She thinks I stole her man."

"Doss?" Perry sipped her drink.

"Yes. Well, Doss was dating her since high school and she wanted to get married. Doss said he wasn't ready yet and they were too young. They decided to take a break to find themselves and enjoy dating in their early 20's. Doss and I had a couple of dates while he was on the break. We slept together one of those nights and were dumb at the time. We did not use any protection. We decided to not continue our dating. I was going back off for a year to go to college. Long distance was too much to put on a relationship that just started. He eventually went back to her and I was seldom enough. They even started to plan a wedding. She wanted the wedding soon, like in three months. She could not let him get away again."

"So how did you end up getting married to him?"

"I'm getting there. Give me a chance. Where was I at again?"

"They were planning a quick wedding."

"Oh, right. She was planning quickly and needed everything to be perfect. I was going away so it would've been perfect. I was two weeks away from leaving when I realized my period was late. I was freaking out. I didn't think I would get pregnant anytime soon. I was only 23. I thought something was wrong with me. I went to the doctor and the results were positive. Positive for pregnancy. I called Doss right away. I knew he was the father since he was the only one I slept with. We told our parents. They were not too happy about it. But they did like me better than Shelly. So they suggested we get married. It was more than a suggestion but you get the point. So we had a shot-gun wedding. All the things that Shelly planned all became my wedding details. I felt bad but Doss didn't want the baby to be a bastard either so we did what we did. I ended up miscarrying at 8 months. Shelly claimed I was lying about the baby the whole time. But Doss and I loved each other by then. We needed each other. Shelly couldn't stand it. She wanted him back. To this day she still claims I lied about being pregnant."

"Wait, did you lie?"

"No. I wanted to get out of this town but you can't escape fate. My fate was with Doss, apparently.

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