A new life

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 Perry woke up to a rather cheery face. Why is she in my f*cking face so early in the morning.

"Oh, you're up," Vaughn said with a slight smile.

"Yes... I'm up. Sorry, if I'm not rather joyous to be waking up with someone in my face. I'm just not used to it." Perry grumbled. She sat up to look at Vaughn.

"Oh, it's okay." She sat down at the end of the bed. "I wanted to take you shopping. We live in a small town so we will have to drive about 30 minutes to get near civilization. Unless you wanted to shop at Walmart?"


"Well, I'll see you downstairs for breakfast then. Hurry up now." Vaughn walked out and went downstairs.

There were outfits laid on the chair next to Perry. She picked out the only one she knew she could fit. Vaughn was smaller than her. Less hips, less butt than Perry. This dress had to be stretchy or Perry would suffocate in Vaughn's clothing.

She tried on the dress after her shower. It fit every curve of her body. It wasn't tight either. Just right. She wondered how it would look on Vaughn. It would probably look like a bag on her. She snickered to herself.

Coming out of the bathroom she ran straight into Doss.

"That dress looks great on you." He said with a huge grin. "I was worried you would have to wear your dirty clothes. Vaughn doesn't have a hip on her." He chuckled. Perry joined in along with him. "She's pretty boney. She wouldn't usually be my type but something changes when you love someone."

"I wouldn't know a thing about love." Perry sighed.

Doss put his coarse hand on his back to console her. Surprisingly, it had a warmth to it. "You'll discover it one day. I know it." His big smile appeared again. More genuine than before. "Till then, you can just love this baby."

Perry touched her stomach. She was having a baby, this wasn't a fluke. It was real and she was going through it. "I will, thanks." She walked off. She felt better than yesterday. She turned back to look at him but he was already in the bathroom.

Vaughn was cutting up some peaches for breakfast. As soon as she noticed Perry, she quickly chopped everything up then hid the knife. Vaughn didn't want anything to happen to Perry.

Perry saw her hide the knife but didn't care. Pregnancy made her hungry. She needed food. They sat down for breakfast but left before Doss got a chance to sit down. Perry was disappointed.

The thirty minutes in the car passed by quickly. Vaughn tried to play some country music but Perry put a stop to it. Perry played R&B music. Vaughn never heard such music but was intrigued. In the end, she found out she loved it.

Shopping for 4 hours was tiring. They stopped to get a pretzel. Perry was given a pretzel for free. The man winked at her when he gave it to her. He said pretty girls shouldn't have t0 pay for anything. Vaughn seemed confused by it. Vaughn had to pay for hers.

The last store they went to seemed professional. "You need one outfit just in case."

Perry wanted a hot pink jumpsuit. Vaughn managed to get her to buy a black and white striped one. "Why don't you put it on?"

"Okay...,I will."She walked out with it on. It looked so good. Vaughn was a little jealous. She told Perry to wait in the car. She went back in and found one that made her look smoking hot. She walked out and had a guy catcall her. She didn't feel insecure anymore. At least she did till she gotten back in the car. She felt stupid for insecure but she still did. She couldn't help herself but be insecure.

"You look nice. Well, actually you look pretty d*mn beautiful." Perry said. She noticed Vaughn's insecurities and felt sincerely sorry for her.

"Really? Thanks." Vaughn smiled. 'Want to stop to get some food? There's not a diner not too far from the house."

"Yeah sure."

Vaughn was glad that Perry was hungry. It was an opportunity for Perry she didn't think she would have. Vaughn just never told Perry...

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