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( 1529 words)


"mm...five more minutes.." you groan tiredly, you didn't get much sleep last night so being tired is normal


"ughh" you roll over and turn it off getting up "annoying alarm.."

You throw the blanket off of you before getting up and slipping your slippers on, good thing they were fluffy.

*sniff sniff* What is that heavenly smell-

Walking downstairs you see your mom cooking breakfast "oh yum!!"

"Oh morning sweetie, how'd you sleep??"

"awful " you pull out a chair and sit down

"hope your hungry " you mother places a plate full of food down in front of you

"oh I'm starving, thanks mom" you take a bite

She smiles "well I'm off to work, I hope you have a great day at school y/n"

"Alright mom, I love you"

"love you too"

After I was finished eating, I went back upstairs and slipped the uniform on and looked at myself in the mirror "nice"

I brush my hair and grab my bag and phone "I hope everyone in my class likes me.." you let out a nervous breath not wanting to go through the feeling of being the new girl again.


You walk out of the house locking the door behind you ,The school was about 10 minutes away so might as well walk there.

You take some earbuds out to listen to music, its the only thing that can make you feel better, make you feel like everything's alright.

Looking around you see other students wearing the same uniform as you "they must go to ua" you smile.

Once you arrive you look up at the huge school "woah.." its even bigger in person

"Watch out!!!" a girl yells from behind you, making you whip your head around

*BOOM* Both of you fall onto the floor

"ow.." you sit up rubbing your head

"are you alright!! I'm so sorry!!" A brown haired girl gets up quickly holding her hand out to help

I grab her hand and stand up " its alright"

"oh-are you new here? I haven't seen you around before" she looks at me trying to recall if she's seen me before.

"I am new here, My name is y/n l/n "

"OHHH!!! your the new student in our class!!!" she smiles "its nice to meet you I'm ochaco uraraka!"

"nice to meet you too" we shake hands

"uh sorry for knocking you down, way for me to make a first impression" she scratches the back of her neck.

"its alright" I smile

"let me show you to the classroom before were late" she quickly walks to the entrance , I follow along just as quick.

Once we make it to the room she turns to me with a smile "you ready??"

I nod with a smile "yup!!"

Uraraka walks in

I let out a sigh before walking in and I instantly heard whispers.

Ah shit..they already hate me ..i know it..

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