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"I cant believe we are really in Hawaii!!" uraraka squeals. Y/n smiles "I know right! I've wanted to come here for awhile now". "I cant wait to beat the boys at volleyball" mina laughs.

The whole class walks around looking for their hotel rooms. Three people share a room , luckily y/n, uraraka and mina- are all sharing a room. 

After about thirty minutes of settling in someone knocks on the door. Mina walks over opening the door, revealing denki and sero.

Sero "were all going out to swim at the beach, you guys coming?"
Mina "duhh!! let us get ready!!"

Denki "well hurry up"

Mina shuts the door and locks it "annoying-"

Uraraka had her one piece on which was pink with some black. While mina had a green and pink bikini on.

Y/n got hers on (the bikini from the other chapter) "we all look amazing-" uraraka giggles 

"yeah yeah whatever !!! lets go have some fun!!" y/n says before running out of the room with mina and ura behind her.


Mineta was drooling all over the girls, denki and kirishima were burying bakugo and iida was chasing todoroki and tsu around.

Deku was sitting down anxiously waiting for y/n, he kept his eye on mineta because he knows he is gonna say something inappropriate about her.

Mineta " holly smokes!! Look at those three!!" he says practically drooling

Deku glances over and tenses up when he sees y/n. He examined her body then glared at mineta. Y/n noticed mineta staring at her and made an awkward face "ew-"

"go away perv!!!" mina yells at mineta

This only makes mineta want to get even closer, before he could actually get closer , a tall shadowy figure stands behind him. Mineta freezes.

"I swear to god if you lay a single finger on her I will Detroit smash u into the sun" deku glares down at the trash grape.

Mina ":> do it deku!!"

Uraraka "pleaseee"

Y/n blushes and looks at izuku. Mineta slowly turns around "ah ha..haha..ha.." he laughs nervously "w-what are u talking about I was only admiring them ah haha.."

Izuku picks him up "don't even look at her" he says before kicking him into the ocean

Mina giggles "did ya see how he said her and not them"

Uraraka also giggles "ship is almost sailing"

They both whisper to each other. Izuku turns back to the three of them.

"are you ok..?" he asks looking at y/n only 

"uh y-yeah I'm fine " she rubs her arm slightly blushing.

Mina "so how does y/n look in a bathing suit deku" she smirks 

Deku Blushes before looking down at y/ns bathing suit "s-she u-uhm looks very very...very...nice!!! yup- very nice" he snaps out of the trance he was in.

Y/n realized he was looking at her body then covers her chest "zu!!!!!!!"

Deku freezes a bit "Sorry!!!!!!!!! I didn't mean to stare really!!!!!" he says before running off into the water.

Y/n was just as red as a tomato. Mina and ura laugh

Uraraka "he couldn't take his eyes off of her!!"

Mina "i know right!!"

Y/n covers her face embarrassed

* oh my goodness zu!!!! you perv!!!!!!* was all she was thinking.

Mina and ura pick up y/n and throw her into the water where deku was. He is just hiding in the water intensely blushing.

(sorry this is so short!!!!! i will come out with more tomorrow!!!!)

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