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Uraraka "Yeah- did they not tell you??" she looks at me confused 

"I guess not" I say to the brown haired girl

"Well I think you should get one-then we can have sleepovers!!" her eyes sparkle 

"that would be cool.." I softly smile

I'm gonna be honest the last time I had a dorm room- it wasn't very nice. In my last school the girls liked to make fun of me in every possible way, they would steal my stuff, make romors  about me, basically all the bad stuff- just because they were jealous of my quirk, I was the strongest in the school, can you believe it??

It almost traumatized me, but I was stronger than that, I beat them..all of them, after that they left me alone since I had some black mail..

"Y/n?? Y/n??" muffled voice 

"Y/n??" uraraka says louder 

"oh! wha- sorry..guess i spaced out.."

"jeez don't scare me like that!" she lightly slaps my arm 

"Sorry ura" I smile 

while me and ura were training like the bad asses we are, a certain blonde headed boy with anger issues walks up to us.

"Hey!! Y/n!! Tell me your quirk !!" he stomps over to me ,were close- very close-

"oh-um hi there-" i step back abit 

Uraraka "bakugo go away-"

"shut it round face!!" he yells at the girl angerly 

"Hey dont yell at her!!" I step forward 

"Tell me your quirk!!" he yells leaving me a little scared ,I've never seen katsu like this...hes changed since we were kids..

"its um..called density manipulation.." 

"Huh?! what the hell is that??"

I sigh getting a little irritated "figure it out"

"Tch.." was all that came out of his mouth before he stormed off

"woah!! I've never seen bakugo go quiet like that- usually he would beat someone up if they talked to him like that.."

"Guess I'm too strong for his liking" We both laugh 

After training*

You put your suit back into its case before changing back into your normal clothes. Ura once again asks if your gonna get a dorm, you tell her that you will think about it, even though you probably will just so you can be closer to your new friends.

*after school*

You walk home listening to music, hands in your pockets and the wind flowing through your hair, just how you like it.

You walk inside and kick your shoes off "moommm I'm home!"

"ah! how was school sweetie??" your mom pops up from around the corner fixing her tank top


Oh dont tell me....

was mom banging some dude again?! EWWWWW wtf why cant she do that shit in her room

"It was fine..I'm gonna get a dorm- so ima start packing now and leave today" you walk upstairs quickly not wanting to meet whatever guy she brought home this time.

You blast music while packing, you didnt pack much since its only a dorm, mostly just your makeup clothes and other things you need, also your laptop and stuff.

It was now 8 pm so you make your boxes lighter so you can carry them all at once then walk out of our room hoping your mom was asleep, which to your luck she was, thank god- i did not want to see her after what happened today.

I walk to the dorms, Mr. aizawa gave me all the info i need after school so now i can just show up and not have to do anything.

When I get there ura was waiting at the entrance full of excitement, once she noticed me she runs over "need any help??" she asks full of joy 

"sure " I smile and hand her a box before we both walk inside 

We were greeted by my other classmates, they were all just as excited especially the grape dude- what a perv-

Mina tags along with us while ura shows me my room which at the time I didn't know it was across from zus room.

The two girls help me unpack and decorate my room, it was fun having some friends, it made me feel...happy- one feeling i haven't felt in a long time.

"Thank you again for helping me"

"No problem gurl!" mina smiles then gasps when she comes up with an idea "lets have a sleepover!! just us three!"

Ura claps her hands "Yesss!!!" she exclaims happily 

"Sounds fun!!" You say excitingly 

Then and there we began making a blanket fort ,you guys got snacks and everything 

The rest of the night you guys binge watch movies 

It was so fun

(Just a tiny update for today! hope you enjoyed it!!))

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