{I like you}

634 17 17

The rest of the day was really fun for y/n, she would always catch izuku looking at her which made her happy. But now its dinner time and the whole class is going to a restaurant  ,y/n mina and uraraka are getting ready, they keep nagging her about what happened at the beach.

Meanwhile deku, todoroki and iida are in a room getting ready. "Why do you look so down midorya??" todoroki asks confused. Deku looks up with a sigh "Can i tell you both something? you guys cannot tell anyone else though"

Iida "sure ,you can tell us anything" 

Deku rubs his face almost regretting what he is about to say "I like someone..."

Todoroki " midorya you like everyone-"

"N-no!! I mean I like like someone" he says blushing 

Iida "oh is this about y/n??"

Deku "wait how-"

Todoroki " we watch you and y/n- both of you can barley keep your eyes off of each other- plus that little incident at the beach summed it all up"

Deku "guys really- as if y/n likes me back"

Iida "midorya- your a smart guy- don't act like a dumbass-" (facts)

Deku "iida-kun!"

Todoroki " he is right midorya- you and y/n definitely like each other, so go for it, if you want her then make her yours-"

Deku sits there flustered "d-do you really think she likes me?"

Iida and todoroki nod "Yup"


Y/n sighs "izuku does not like me!!!!" 

Mina "Yes he does!!!!! Now if you don't tell him how you feel i will do it for you!!" she says with a evil grin.

"You wouldn't dare" Y/n says looking at mina 

"Oh i will do it-  and ura will help me "

Uraraka looks at both of them "she is right i will help her-"

"ugh- You guys are so annoying!!! Fine!! ill do it!! I will tell him tonight!" she holds her fist up confidently. 

Mina smiles brightly "That's my girl!!! now get ready- we have a dinner to attend" 

Y/n gets up and grabs her clothes then gets dressed "I really hope he likes me back-"

Ura "trust us- he does"


Mina locks her arm with y/ns "You ready??". Y/n nods letting  her know that she is ready.

"ok then!! operation y/n and deku is now starting!!"

"MINAAA!!! shushhhh" she whines 

The three of them walk to the restaurant that aizawa told them to go to. Y/n was super nervous she had no idea how she was gonna tell him. They approach the door and with a sigh y/n pushes open the door revealing a nicely decorated place.

Most of their classmates were already there including izuku. Y/n looks at izuku, he glances up and looks at her. He examines what she is wearing before looking into her eyes she quickly looks away blushing.

Bakugo looks up and sees y/n "Hey y-" izuku was cut off by bakugo "Hey dumbass! come sit next to me!"

Y/n "e-eh?" she looks at bakugo with a puzzled look. "Come on-" he sighs leaning back in his seat.

Y/n walks over and sits next to him, izuku was across from them.

"u-um katsu why did you want me to sit next to you?" she puts a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I just want to sit next to my best friend for once.." he grumbles crossing his arms.

Y/n smiles "aww katsu, your so sweet!" she laughs.

"S-shut up!!"

Kirishima"yeahhhh katsuuuuu " he jokingly says.

"Ill kill you both!!" he yells which makes kiri and y/n both laugh.

Deku was silently watching from across the table, he wanted her to sit next to him. He felt a little sad and angry. He hadn't even noticed that his hand was balled into a fist resting on his leg.

Bakugo "so..how was your day extra?"

Y/n "It was pretty good, other then getting a little sunburnt" she lets out a slight laugh.

Deku watches them closely, and listened to every word. he wanted to be the one talking to her and asking those questions.

*Am..I Jealous..?* Deku thinks to himself.

Kirishima puts the chopsticks in his nose "Guys I'm a walrus"

Bakugo "That's disgusting" he shakes his head.

Y/n laughs "ewww kiri"

Kirishima laughs "I know I'm hilarious"

Deku had enough, he couldn't take it anymore. He NEEDS to tell her, its driving him crazy. 

Quickly he gets up and walks all the way around the table to where y/n was sitting.

Y/n turns and looks at him "zu?..what are you doing??" 

Deku "follow me.." he mumbles soo she was barley able to here him. "What did you say??" y/n was confused at this point.

Izuku furrows his eye brows and gently grabs y/ns wrist and begins to walk away. "z-zu where are we going??" y/n tried her best to keep up with him.

He didn't  answer her ,just kept walking until they made it to somewhere that did not have any people around.

Deku lets out a shaky breath before turning around with his head lowered. 

"zu are you alright?-"

"Y/n.." he looks up making eye contact with her "You mean the world to me...and I need to tell you this because I cannot keep quiet anymore.."

"What is it zu?" she fiddles with her fingers nervously. Deku steps closer to her, blushing intensely. 

"I like you y/n...Like a lot..You wont stay out of my mind..When I see you with other guys it just makes me want to hold you close to me..." He takes another step closer "I cant help but want to make you mine.."

Y/n looks up at him while blushing she couldn't say anything, nothing would come out.

"Say something y/n..please.." izuku starts to get nervous thinking that you don't like him back.


"I knew you didn't like me back- I'm sorry y/n..forget I said anything.." he turns around to walk away when suddenly Y/n grabs his arm and pulls him in and kisses him.

It took a moment for Deku to realize what was happening, he then puts his arm around her and kisses her back.

After about  a minute of kissing they pull away to catch their breath.

Y/n looks up at him "I like you too zu..."

Izuku covers his mouth like what just happened , his face then turned red.

Y/n "u-um zu??" she waves her hand in front of his face.

Deku glances down at her "s-sorry I just wasn't expecting that-" He scratches the back of his neck "Does this mean...were together now..?"

Y/n smiles "If you want us to be"

Deku softly smiles "I definitely want us to be together"

Y/n "Then its official!!" 

MIna and Uraraka were just freaking out behind the corner.

Deku "lets go eat now- I'm actually really hungry"

Y/n "agreed"


(Thats it for this chapter, hope you enjoyed)

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