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"Hey y/n, can you run to the store and get me some milk"

"of course mom" you grab your shoes and jacket "anything else? just milk?"

"some chocolate would be nice" she smiles stirring the food she's making 

"chocolate it is" I put on my mask "ill be back soon"

"Bye be safe" she blows a kiss 

I blow a kiss back before exiting the house

Its quite nice out, the moon is shining brightly and the stars are sparkling. I take in the fresh smell of the air. Night time is my favorite part of the day, its peaceful especially when it rains. 

You walk into the store and walk around looking for the milk

"ah found it" you grab the milk 


"T-that's all I have I swear"


I peek around the corner and see that the man is getting robbed, oh come on  I just wanted to get some milk and chocolate.

"Don't move" A raspy voice comes from behind me, I feel a cold gun being put to my head "stay quiet or ill make this quick." 

I freeze not knowing what to do "L-listen I only came to get some milk-"

"Shut the fuck up, or ill make you" he pushes my head with the gun 

I know I'm strong but its a gun- I cant do anything when a gun is being pointed at my head..

He takes his hand and rubs my waist making me shiver 

"your actually pretty..maybe I should take you home and show you a good time" he grips my waist 

"ow- hey get your hands off of me!!"

He grips harder making me wince and tear up 

"Please let me go.."

That's when I noticed there was no more yelling from the front counter, did he kill that old man??? What happened?

"Let her go" another mans voice was heard , he sounded my age though.

"Or what kid?"

The boy quickly knocks the man out within a second 

How strong is this kid-

I turn around fixing my shirt "T-thank you.." I look up ,he was wearing black jeans and a black jacket with a mask (basically the picture at the top ) 

"are you alright miss??" he asks me with a concerned voice

"yeah " I rub my waist where the guy was grabbing me 

The boys gaze goes down to my waist "Did he hurt you?"

"kind of- but I'm alright " I wave my arm in front of me smiling 

(you don't recognize him because he has a hat and mask on btw))

He picks the milk up and hands it to me 

"Be safe " he smiles before walking out 

What the hell just happened- I just wanted some milk!!!

Something about that boys voice sounded familiar..as if i heard it before 

I shrug the thought off and grab some chocolate before going to the counter to pay

{time skip}

"Mom!! I'm home " You kick your shoes off before walking into the kitchen.

"Thanks sweetie- what took you so long??"

You don't want her to worry "Traffic was actually pretty crazy-so i had to wait awhile before walking across the street."

"Oh wow I didn't think it would be so bad at night" She says taking the milk and pouring it into whatever she was making.

"Oh I wasn't sure what chocolate you wanted so I got a bunch " you pour out all the chocolate 

"oh my- y/n!! " she laughs 

You and your mom ate dinner and had a movie night before you went to bed since you start school tomorrow

Most of the night you thought of what happened at the store...who was the guy that saved you..

(Sorry this one is so short but hope you enjoyed-))

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