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Its been a week since you were sick. Izuku made sure you were fully well before going back to school.

"Hey y/n!!" uraraka runs up to you and locks her arm with yours.

"hey ura" you smile

"I'm so happy your back!!" she says happily

"glad to be back, to be honest I didn't really like staying in my room all day"

"I feel the same way when im sick!!"

You and uraraka walk into class and your greeted by your fellow classmates, they all ask how your doing. You tell them that your doing great and they smile.

Looking over at where izuku is sitting he waves at you, you wave back with a smile. Mr. aizawa walks in the classroom with some papers "everyone take your seats.."

You walk over to your seat and sit down, so does everyone else.

"Alright class..We will be going on a trip" he says ,sounding like he wants to sleep which is normal for him.

The whole class cheers

Kiri stands up "will it be a training trip??"

Mr. aizawa "No actually, principal nezu wants you all  to go on a trip to have fun, you guys will be there for 3 days"

Denki raises his hand "uhm where are we going??"


"woah!!!" mineta jumps up "there are going to be so many pretty girls in bikinis" he practically drools .

You smile at the thought of going to Hawaii, you've never been there but it sounds amazing.

Deku raises his hand "when will we be going??"

"tomorrow, you will all go back to your dorms early so you can pack"

Denki "we get to go to Hawaii and get off of school early! what a great day!!" he cheers

Mr. aizawa just sighs "class dismissed.." he says before laying down in his bean bag.

Everyone pretty much just runs out of the room and to their dorms.

Mina and uraraka walk beside you. "What are you gonna pack y/n??"

"Oh im not sure yet-"

"I'm going to pack like all of my bathing suits!!" uraraka exclaims

"Isn't that too much??" you laugh


All three of you share a laugh


While packing Y/n digs through her clothes trying to find whatever she likes best. She chooses her favorite bathing suit out of all of them. (I had to use this one-it was so cute-)

After packing she flops onto her bed and scrolls through her phone boredly, she spent a few hours packing her clothes ,including going to mina and urarakas room to help them pack

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After packing she flops onto her bed and scrolls through her phone boredly, she spent a few hours packing her clothes ,including going to mina and urarakas room to help them pack.

Soon she slolwly drifts off to sleep, dreaming about a certain green haired "friend"(COugh couGH))

*The next morning*

"y/n!!" "Y/n wake up!!" muffled voices

'Y/n!!" mina shakes her awake


"We have to get to the bus in like 5 minutes!!"

Y/n rolls out of bed "Shit shit shit" she quickly just throws some shoes on and didnt bother changing since she had sweatpants and a hoodie on. She then quickly throws her hair in a bun (Unless u got short short hair :3) then grabbing her suitcase, all three of them quickly leave the dorms and go outside to where the bus was waiting.


The rest of your classmates were already on the bus. Mina and uraraka sit down next to each other.

"Y/n sit right there!!" ura points to the seat that was across from them. You look to see that izuku was sitting there listening to music while writing in his notebook. You set your suitcase in the thing above then sit down next to izuku. He was so focused on writing in his book that he didn't notice you sitting next to him.


I smile at him, he looked so cute when he is focused. uraraka and mina were talking about what bathing suit they were gonna wear first. I think that's just kind of weird, so me being me I take out my notebook and I start drawing.

About 30 minutes later-

Slowly I start to fall asleep without even knowing it, I feel my head lay on something warm.


Izuku tenses up a little, he glances down at you and smiles, he hadn't known that you sat next to him. Mina and ura catch him smiling at you and they take a picture.

After a little while izuku also falls asleep and lays his head on top of yours, mina and uraraka ship you and izuku so they both took a lot of pictures.

"Gosh they are so cute!!" Mina squeals quietly

"I know right! they should just get together already"

The rest of the bus ride went well, finally you all make it to the airport.
Hawaii here we come!!!

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