{As a team}

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(1304 words)

*2 years later*

*knock knock* 

"come in" 

"Ms. l/n, you have a meeting in two hours, also someone is here to see you" the brown haired girl says with a smile. Uraraka, one of your closets  friends, she has been your assistant for over a year now. Mina is also still a close friend and the number 11 hero. 

The incident occurred over 2 years ago back at ua, ever since then you and izuku haven't really talked. why? well- from what he told you- apparently he lost his feelings for you. 


Y/n never knew why, she did cry and sulk down for awhile, but after all the sulking and crying she became stronger. The only thing that didn't change was her feelings for him. Y/n still doesn't know why she loves him after what he said to her.

"Hero deku saves hundreds of people from a monstrous villain that destroyed most of the city" the tv announces.

Y/n glances up at the tv before turning it off. 


"Hey dumbass" a familiar raspy voice is heard by your office door. Bakugo was leaning against the door frame looking at you.

"Ah! Katsu! your back!" quickly you run over and tackle your best friend with hugs. Bakugo was on a long mission for a few weeks, he didn't tell you which made you absolutely made.

He hugs you back with a chuckle " now get off your heavy" the corner of his mouth lifts up like he was trying not to laugh.

Once you got off you punched him in the shoulder. "Ow! What the fuck y/n!" he yells at you with a confused and mad expression.

"That's for not telling me about your mission" your cross your arms angerly. "Tch, I didn't want you to come and get hurt"

"Katsu- im the number 6th hero, I can handle myself!" you yell out at the blonde headed boy. "Your right-sorry.."he grumbles.

Bakugo looked like he had something on his mind "Hey, have you talked to deku at all?" what he said made you tense up "no..why?" you question.

"Just curious.." he clears his throat "well I came to see if u wanted to patrol with me" he stuffs his hands into his pocket.

"Wait really!? We haven't patrolled in forever! " you say happily, because its true, its been months since the both of you last patrolled together.

"Tch do you want to go or not!" he says impatiently. "Of course! lets go!" you didn't even care to change into your hero suit. 

Bakugo rolls his eyes before following you out of your company building. He checks his phone as if he was waiting for something to pop up.

You didn't notice how sus he was being since you were just happy to be patrolling with him. "hey- um I actually have something to do real quick" he puts his phone away after getting a notification.

"What- but we just started-" you said with a disappointed tone. "Tch ill be back just stay here or something" he runs off in the opposite direction.

You sigh sadly "why do I feel like everyone leaves me-" you turn around and walk around, every once in a while you would get compliments or people asking for your autograph.

An hour later katsuki still wasn't back and the sun was setting. "why does he do this.." 

"Hey damsel in distress" a softer voice was heard from behind you. "hm?" you turn around to see izuku. Quickly furrowing your eyebrows you turn back around to walk away.

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