{I'm sorry zu..}

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(1026 words)

The fresh breeze, clears my mind..makes me think everything's ok. Even when it isn't...

"n/n!! I'm gonna catch you!!" The green haired boy you cared for so much chases after you.

"haha you wish zu!!" I giggle while running through the field of flowers, the wind making my hair flow in the air.

Before you could run any further, you trip over a stick but instead of hitting the ground you feel a pair of warm arms around you.

"Told you I got you!!!" Izuku giggles while you both roll down the hill 

The rolling...stopped..

I look up at the smiling boy, seeing him smile causes me to smile back.

"you only got lucky!!" I say to him before getting up 

"sure n/n!!" 

we both laugh

I feel like I could laugh with him forever..one thing I didn't know was that laugh was about to get cut short with news that I thought I would never hear..

"Y/N!! Sweetie! I need to talk to you!" your mother calls from the other side of the field. She was covering her hat so it wouldn't fly away. 

"coming mom!!" you wipe the dirt off of your clothes then run over to your mother "hi mommy!"

Your mother smiles, it wasn't a happy smile more like a sorry smile, she looked sad...why did mommy look sad? Did I do something wrong..?

"y/n.." she bends down and takes my hands 

"what's wrong mommy...why do you look sad..?"

"y/n..me and you have to go on a trip..my boss wants  us to go somewhere else to make more money "

"That's great mommy!! why are you sad though..?"

"Because we have to move..you cant see izuku or katsu..anymore.." she sadly says trying not to tear up

"w-what?? but mommy I cant leave them.." you find yourself tearing up 

"I'm sorry y/n.." she embraces you with a tight hug

you couldn't hug her back...frozen..you were just frozen

All that went through your mind was ..what will I tell zu and katsu?? when are we leaving ? are they gonna hate me?..

Mommy pulls away and stands up "were leaving today..say your goodbyes.."

"Today!? but mommy!!"

"I'm sorry y/n! we need the money, I can barley pay the bills anymore!" she lowers her head feeling guilty 

I couldn't say anything mommy was right...we can barley afford to get food..katsuki's mom tries to help us but my mother refuses..she feels guilty ..

"alright..ill go tell him mommy.." I turn around and see the two boys playing in the field, I take a deep breath before walking over to them, every step closer made me more sad..

"Y/n!! I just got here! are you happy to see me!!" katsu runs over and hugs me 

I hug him back "yeah.."

He pulls away and looks at me with a serious look "what's wrong??"

Zu walks over also concerned 

"I have to tell you guys something.."

"Did someone bully our y/n!!" katsu yells "ill beat them up!!"

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