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"Alright class, today we are going to see the-" he sighs wanting to punch himself for what he is about to say "The wilde..wilde ..pussycats-"

Denki lets out a snort covering his mouth. The pink alien next to him smirks "Mr aizawa denki is laughing at you-"

Denki "eh?! " his head shoots up "minaaa" he whines.

Aizawa "Oh really?" his eye brow raises looking like he about to punish the fuck out of denki.

"n-no sir she's lying!"

Everyone "No she isn't"

Denki stands up slamming his hands on the desk "Guys?!" at this point he sounded like a child.

Eyes were staring holes into the back of my head, knowingly turning my head around izuku quickly looks away.

Well, me and zu fought a week ago, about something stupid..but were both hard headed people at times, neither of us talked to each other since then and things have been overly awkward.

Uraraka and mina keep nagging me about it, I wish people would just stop talking about it for two seconds.

"Quiet do-"


The whole class room holds onto their desks when the whole building starts to shake. Suddenly a alarm goes off signaling that villains are attacking the school.

Aizawas eyes widen "Stay here!" he points to the class before running out.

Denki "are we gonn-"

Bakugo interrupts "Of course not " he smirks "I've got some villain ass to kick."

"But kacchan-"

"Shut it deku!!" he yells glaring at the green haired boy. The hot headed Pomeranian runs out of the classroom with most of the class following behind him.

Y/n quickly stands up to run out when someone grabs her hand

"Y/n stay here, I don't want you getting hurt.." he gives you a serious look with concern hidden behind it.

There it is, the thing you guys fought about. He keep acting like you cant protect yourself...you know he just wants to protect you but god damn have some faith!.

You look at his hand on your arm then his face before pulling your arm away. "Be safe.." was all you said before running out of the classroom.

"y/n!" he yells out "shit.." the green haired broccoli huffs out.

Running down several halls, you look left and right trying to spot a villain. Adrenalin is rushing, you had a million things rushing through your head like 'is my friends ok- or I hope zu isn't mad'


A low distorted laugh was heard behind y/n. Freezing on the spot she remembers that laugh, the laugh she never wanted to hear in person. Turning around y/n is face to face with a giant nomu, its brain was visible and its tongue was very long.

It had claws the size of rulers , and teeth as sharp as razors. Shivers were sent down her spin along with some cold sweats.

"he..he..he.." the giant sewer green nomu cracks its neck laughing creepily "food" it said before running on all fours towards the tiny human girl.

Panicking she turns around and starts to run, only to realize she couldn't move. Her legs were frozen not knowing what to do. Letting out a shaky breath she turns back around and dodges the nomu's attempt to claw at her stomach. She barley dodged the attack, he did leave a large cut on her left arm. Blood was running down her used to be clean skin. Y/n lets out a small yelp, she had to admit it hurt like hell.

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