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( 1242 Words)

Y/n never thought that she would get a boyfriend any time soon. Lucky enough the person she liked, liked her back. Its been a week since they confessed their feelings for each other and things are going pretty good but something has been different about izuku.

Y/n rolls over slowly opening her eyes, she sees deku sleeping next to her. She gently wraps her arms around him with a soft smile. 

Deku slightly wakes up and turns over facing y/n "hey.." he grumbles 

Y/n runs her hands through his hair "hey.." she kisses his forehead.

"what time is it..?" he yawns 

"Its 3 in the morning, we don't have school today so we can sleep in"

"perfect" he pulls y/n close to him making her face get stuffed into his chest.

Y/n "hmfp-" 

 He then wraps his arms around her, resting his head on top of hers.

Y/n smiles and closes her eyes ,slowly drifting off to sleep.

A few hours later

*faint noises *

Y/n wakes up squinting her eyes "??.." she looks at deku, his eye brows were furrowed and he had tears rolling down his cheek. 

Y/n lightly shakes him "zu?? zu wake up!" 

Deku quickly wakes up crying and looking around franticly. Y/n cups his face "hey..hey its alright zu "

Once he sees y/n he instantly hugs her tightly "please dont leave! I cant have you die!!" 

"Zu- it was just a bad dream..your ok now, I'm here " she rubs his back. Izuku lays his head in the crook of her neck crying "I cant loose you.."

Y/n tears up a little "its alright zu..." 

After izuku calmed down and him and y/n talked a little they both went back to sleep. It was  now 10 in the morning. Y/n was already awake doing her school work at her little desk in the corner of the room.

Deku wakes up and blinks tiredly seeing that y/n wasn't in bed. "Y/n..?" he mumbles then looks over at her sitting at the desk. With a sigh of relief he gets up rubbing the back of his head.

He walks over to her wrapping his arms around her from behind. "Oh zu- good morning" 

Izuku turns his head and kisses her cheek "morning puppy.." 

"How did you sleep??"

"I slept pretty good.." he rubs his eyes "I'm gonna go shower real quick ok?"

"Oki- ill go make us some food" she gets up and puts a hoodie on and slips on her slippers.

"If mineta is out there- make sure to beat him if he hits on u-" he grabs his shower stuff.

"Will do" she giggles

Deku walks out of the room with y/n following after him. They both part ways once he gets into the boys shower room. 

Once y/n made it to the kitchen she prepares some coffee and breakfast for the both of them. Izuku walks out of the boys shower room with a towel wrapped around his waist. 

Y/n "ill go check on him :3" she walks to the hall the room was down but stopped and peeked around the corner.

She sees a girl flirting with him, he was naked with a towel around him-. Y/n frowns and waits to see what happens.

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