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Brittany's POV
"I can't believe it. Santana hates me. She thinks I'm stupid. She doesn't want me.
I didn't realise that doing a duet with Artie would upset her so much. Last time I suggested a duet she panicked and said no, and that she didn't want people to think we are together. I don't mind. Before last night I wouldn't have minded people thinking I'm Santana's girlfriend. She's smart, funny, brave, pretty... no stop. She is very mean. I still miss her. I miss her Lord Tubbington" I sit up and move him to the side "I need to go to school now. Remember not to let in anyone during the day, they might try to steal your gold."
I dress and run downstairs, grabbing my phone as I leave. I'm about to walk to Santana's when I remember that she hates me. So I walk to school alone.
Santana doesn't even look at me during the day. At lunch her and Puck drive off together. I catch her eye through her car window before she leaves with him. She looks so broken, so hurt. Then she sees me and rolls her eyes before driving off with him. I go into the lunch hall and sit with the rest of the Cheerios, but I feel alone. Most of them all me stupid and dumb behind my back, so I don't really talk to them. The only one I talk to is Quinn, but she isn't talking to Santana and so isn't talking to me either. I look into my plate and try not to cry. Just then I hear someone sit across from me. I look up and see Mercedes from Glee club. I've never really talked to her before, but she always smiles at me and doesn't laugh if I say something stupid by accident. She squeezes my hand and says "come and sit with us Britt. We need to know how Lord Tubbington is getting on at his new job" I smile "I would love that" I stand up and follow her over to where the Glee club are sat. They chat about things that I can join in with, and I start to have fun. Until Santana and Puck come into the hall holding hands. I bite my lip and feel Artie take my hand "it's okay Britt." I frown "wait do you guys know what happened" "no we just guessed you and Santana had an argument. To be honest we never expected she would go all Lima Heights on you but hey! Never say never" Artie finishes speaking and nudges me "what song do you wanna do for our duet." I frown and think it out for a while before saying "Somebody to Love" he smiles "great idea Britt, I love that song." The bell rings and I walk to class, forgetting that I sit beside Santana.

Santana's POV
The first thing I see when I walk into the lunch hall is Brittany sitting with those Lima losers. Yes, I know I'm in Glee club with them. But I at least try to stay popular. They have just given up. The truth is, I don't really have many friends. I know, big surprise. The mega bitch with anger issues doesn't have friends. Brittany was the only one who always stuck with me. She defended me the same way I protect her.
Oh god, what have I done.
I hurt Brittany, my best friend and my crush. She is literally my everything. But I called her stupid, a dumb blonde, and I shouted at her. She hates all those things. I even told her Santa wasn't real. I need to say sorry. Thank god I have my next class with her. I need to say sorry. And fast.

Brittany's POV
I sit down and a few seconds later Santana sits next to me. "Hi Britt" she smiles. I don't answer and turn away. She is quiet then asks "where is it. Where's the bracelet" I shrug without making eye contact "I took it off. I don't wear friendship bracelets with people who think I'm stupid" she frowns and I swear she is about to cry "where is it" I take a breath, and get ready to lie "I threw it in the trash"

Flashback- 10 year old Brittany
Me and Santana went to the mall for the first time today. I was so excited. We messed around in the makeup stores, tried on clothes in the clothes shops and drank iced coffees. Heaven. We go into a jewellery shop at the end of the mall. It's small yet full of girls like is trying on the cheap hair stuff and jewellery. I drag Santana in with me and we look along the shelves until I see what I'm looking for "aha!!" "What's that Britt" Santana asks "a friendship bracelet set. Look, there's one for you and one for me" I look at it closer. On both the bracelets there is a pendant with two pinkies linked "it's a pinkie promise that we will be best friends forever" we buy it and put it on "forever"

Present day
Santana is trying desperately not to cry. I can tell by the way she is digging her nails into her palm and biting her lip. She rushes out class and I follow. Yes she was mean to me, but I'm all she has and we both know it. I run out into the hallway and can hear a quiet sobbing. I follow the noise through to the bathrooms. Only one stall in locked, and that's where Santana is. I know she won't let me in, so I crawl in from the cubicle at the side and sit up beside her "Santana look at me" she looks at me and I know in that one look that she is sorry. Her eyes are filled with so much sadness it makes me sad "I'm so s-sorry" she hiccups and wipes her tears away "I know" I whisper before pulling her close. She rests her head on my chest and keeps on crying. I stroke her hair back from her face and kiss her forehead. She runs out of tears and stands up. I stand up with her and cup her face in my hands "Santana tell me the truth. Why did you go all Lima Heights over me not doing a duet with you" she tries to look away but I hold her head still "come on you can tell me" she takes a breath "I love you Britt. I love you"

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