Trouty Mouth

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Brittany's POV
I'm lying awake when I get a text. It's from Mercedes
"Hey Britt. San had another nightmare, but she's asleep now. She misses you tho <3"
I text back "when she wakes up tell her I love her x"
I sit my phone back down but it buzzes again. This time I have a text from Sam
"Hi Britt :)"
"Hey Sam, how are you"
"I'm good, how are you"
"I'm fine, I miss Santana though"
"I bet she misses you too. What's your favourite thing about her"
"The way she knows everything about me and how she can comfort me without having to know what's wrong. Why did you ask?"
"I just thought maybe if you spoke about her it might help. I guess that was a bad idea, so let's try something else. What's your favourite colour?"
"Hmm, pink. What about yours?"
"Definitely green. What's your favourite animal?"
"Cats, I even have one. His name is Lord Tubbington"
"Can you show me a picture? I want a cat but my sister's allergic :("
I send him my favourite picture of Lord Tubbington on his birthday. He is wearing a bow tie and is playing with a piñata.
Sam replies with "aww he's cute."
"He is!! Whats your favourite movie?"
"I like action movies, but can I tell you a secret"
"My real favourite movie is 10 things I hate about you"
"I love that movie!! but Santana says that Kat is a lesbian, which I think kind of ruins the romantic bit"
"Typical Santana (I'm joking don't tell her that)"
"I won't ;)"
"We could maybe watch it at the cinema one day, they reshow movies all the time"
"That would be nice :) I think I'm going to go to sleep now I'm vv tired"
"Goodnight Britt"
"Goodnight Sam"

Santana's POV
The nightmare was different this time. It started out the same, with me and Britt being in the locker room, but then we started arguing about how I kissed Quinn and then she left and the guys came in and....
Mercedes did her best to calm me down, but I just pretended to be okay for her to leave. All I wanted was Britt's sweet lady kisses, but she was on the other side of town asleep. But I still missed her, so I decided to phone her. She picks up on the 2nd ring
"Hey Santana, are you okay?"
"I just miss you so so much Britt."
"I miss you too Santana. But it's only 8 hours until I get to see you again"
"I don't think I can wait that long"
"How about I send you our Infinity Playlist. Listen to that and it'll be like I'm with you."
"That's an amazing idea Britt. You really are a genius"
"I guess"
"Goodnight Brittany, I love you"
"I love you too Santana, Goodnight"
I hang up and soon she sends me the playlist. I listen to it and remember all our memories that are linked to this playlist. I curl up and go to sleep.

Mercedes wakes me up the next morning. I still have the music playing, and Mine is currently being played. I take out the earphones "good morning Mercedes" I blow her a kiss
"Santana get your ass out of bed you're gonna be late"
"Aren't you giving me a lift"
"Not if you don't get up soon"
I jump out of bed and dress in record time. Mercedes laughs as I sprint to the car and gets in beside me.
"How are you, after your nightmare last night"
I look at her and frown, I never talk about my nightmares, not even with Britt.
"You were screaming "I'm sorry Britt" over and over. Did she leave you or something?" She continues
"I don't really remember" I lie
Mercedes raises her eyebrows but doesn't question me. We sit in silence for the rest of the journey.

When we get to school I can see Brittany walking up the sidewalk. I'm about to catch up with her when someone else taps her on the back. Sam. He smiles and then they start talking. Mercedes watches us and links her arm with mine "come on Santana, let's get you in before you try to murder Sam with your eyes"

In class Brittany says bye to Sam before walking in. I follow her and sit beside her. She is about to speak to me but I put in my earphones to show I don't want to talk. I do the same in our next class but I can't avoid her at break. She sits down and pulls out my earphones.
"What's up Santana?"
"Can we go somewhere else to talk?" I realise that most of the table is staring at us.
We go into the school and into an empty classroom

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