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Santana's POV
Ever since I told Britt I love her, life has been different. It seems lighter, happier. That sounds really cheesy but it's true. She is the light of my life. I have literally nothing without her. My parents are never home, I'm an only child, I lost all my friends after they eventually got tired of my consistent bitching or because I'm from the rough part of town. Lima isn't exactly hot, but Lima heights adjacent is worse. I've lived there all my life, and it's my place. Sure it took me a while to learn to defend myself, but now nobody will cross me at school.
The ironic thing is, Lima heights adjacent is built right behind the Mansions. The nicest area in Lima. The houses are huge, and posh family's with lawyers or doctors as parents live in there. My parents are just getting by, even though they are working several jobs at once. I work as well, but I keep getting fired for 'violent and unprovoked behaviour'. It was one scalding hot coffee. She was in the way!!
But the best part is, it's how I met Brittany

Flashback -Santana's POV
I climb out my bedroom window and onto the flat roof. It's my mami's birthday and the house is too loud, too crowded. Out here it's quiet, and I'm alone. Or at least I think I am.
"Pssssst. Over here"
I hear someone whisper and look beneath me but can't see anyone.
"No behind you. Over the wall"
I look over the wall separating Lima Heights Adjacent from the mansions. On the house directly behind us a blonde girl is sitting on her roof. She waves and I wave back. "Hi I'm Brittany" she whisper shouts. "I'm Santana" I reply "what are you doing out here Santana" she asks
"My family are having a party, it's too loud. What about you?? What are you doing out here?"
"Umm y-yeah I'm the same, family party..."
I frown, she doesn't look like she is. I listen closer and over the loud music from downstairs, I can hear two voices shouting at each other. I look across at Brittany and I can tell from her face that it's her parents arguing. A glass smashes and she shakes her head. Without thinking I carefully walk to the edge of the roof. From here I can step into the wall, then onto the bottom of Brittany's roof. I walk up beside her and take her hand. Her eyes are full of tears and she snuggles into me.
"I-I-I just want them to stop"
"It's okay Britt. It's okay" I murmur while stroking her hair. She looks around my age, 10.
We stay like that for a while until I hear a voice thick with tears calling "Brittany!!" She stands up and climbs through her window. "Thanks Santana, you give really good hugs" I smile and climb back o to my roof "no problem. I'm always here Britt" she waved bye and I climb through my window.

Present day
We spent a lot more time sitting together on her roof. I was with her for her parents inevitable divorce, her moms new boyfriend, who became her stepdad, their divorce, and then her mom getting back together with her real dad. She cried into my shoulder so many times, and it would break my heart to see someone as amazing as her brought down by her stupid parents falling in and out of love. At least my parents were consistently in love, and I could always trust they would be together.
I remember the first time me and Britt kissed. It was almost exactly 5 years after that night on the roof. We were at a sleepover at Quinn's, back when we had a big group of friends and had slumber parties all the time. We were playing truth or dare, and it was Quinn's turn to ask me.

"Truth or dare Santana?"
I hesitate before answering "dare"
"I dare you to kiss Brittany"
I frown, looking around the room. Some of the girls are smirking at me blushing, some are frowning at Quinn, and some are just sitting with their mouths open. Brittany is looking at me, waiting to see my reaction. I start to ask if she is okay with it, which replies with a hesitant nod. Quinn interrupts with "or are you scarrred" I blush and shake my head "never Quinn Fabray"
I cup Brittany's cheeks and lean in. We both close our eyes as our lips meet. I swear, it sounds over dramatic but I think I heard fireworks. Her lips were so soft, and she made these adorable little breathy noises. Eventually we pull away for air, and the others are looking at us with wide eyes. I look at Brittany, who smiles. And then, because I'm a cold hearted bitch who can't let people see my feelings, I wipe my hand across my lips. Britt looks at me and runs out the room and into the bathroom across the hall. Quinn giggles and goes back to her game of truth and dare. I wait before going into the bathroom to see Brittany.
She is sitting on the floor with her head in her arms. I can hear quiet little sobs coming from her. I close the door behind us and lock it, before lifting her head up. Her blue eyes lock onto mine, before letting out a fresh wave of tears
"Why Santana"
"I'm sorry Britt, I didn't mean to-"
"Why did I like it"
I frowned as the last sentence left her mouth "what do you mean"
"I liked the kiss. It was really nice, and i didn't mind that the other girls were there"
I nod, wondering what to say next. I didn't like the kiss, I loved the kiss. But I can't let Britt know that, I might freak her out. So I decide to lie
"I guess when best friends kiss it's meant to be nice. I mean, we are best friends and have been for years. All best friends do it, even Quinn and Rachel"
"But Quinn said that girls kissing girls isn't good"
"No, she said that they couldn't love each other. When they kiss it's like a special hug for only best friends"
God this hurts, but I can't be honest.
She nods, smiling "so it's okay that I liked it" I nod "of course" we hug and go back to the sleepover.

Present Day
It was a magical kiss, and we would kiss a lot more times after that. And every time, I would assure Britt that it was just as friends. I spoke to Quinn about it once, but she shrugged when I asked about her and Rachel. She said that it was only practice for her boyfriend, and that Rachel was an okay kisser but she talked too much. They stopped talking to each other when Quinn got a boyfriend, who had been Rachel's crush for years. They hate each other now, but me and Brittany are still going strong. And we always will be.

How was that for a chapter?? The next one will mainly be from Brittany's POV but I feel like Santana would be better at explaining this one. Now we know where they are from and how they are friends. Also a little bit of Faberry to spice things up. Remember to vote and comment !!

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