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Brittany's POV
I wake up and it's raining. It pours down my window and I roll my eyes. Mom and dad are out at work, so they can't take me in. Then I remember who can.
"Hi Sam"
"Hi Brittany, what's up"
"Can you give me a lift to school today?"
"Sure, I'll pick you up in 30 minutes"
"Okay, thanks"
"Bye see you soon"

I shower and dress in my Cheerios uniform. I eat breakfast then tie my hair up into my signature high ponytail. Shrugging on my jacket, I grab my bag before going out to the porch to wait on Sam. He is a few minutes late, so I spend them texting Santana. She had a nightmare last night, but she said she didn't cry so she must be getting better!!

Sam shows up and I get in the car beside him.
"Thanks for this Sam"
"No problem Brittany. Are you okay after Finns...incident yesterday"
I shrug "I guess. I don't like being called dumb or a slut but he called Santana way worse. It was just so, so, so, I don't know. I just felt so angry"

He nods "me too. But there's other ways to deal with ignorant guys and girls, even though Santana did get her point across"
I nod "you're right"
"I know"
I hit him lightly on his arm and we both laugh. I realise that I haven't laughed properly in ages. I missed it.

We arrive at school and we get out his car. Santana and Mercedes pull up in front of us and turn around to see me and Sam waving at them. Santana gets out and runs towards me, wrapping her arms around my waist. Sam and Mercedes stand awkwardly to the side, watching us. She let's go and kissed my cheek
"Good morning Brittany"
"Good morning Santana"
I offer her my pinky and she takes it, swinging our hands between us. We go to all our classes like that. Inseparable.

When Finn glares at us from across the room, she grips my hand tighter and glares right back at him. I try not to giggle at how he always looks away first, Santana can be pretty terrifying. Quinn notices too and throws us a smile. I've never seen her this happy since she first found out me and Santana were together.

Nobody can convince me there isn't something going on between Quinn and Rachel. The way they hold hands all the time, and sit together whispering. And when we came inside at interval me and Santana saw them disappear into the janitors closet. The same one we used to make out in. When they appear later, with Rachel's fringe sticking up and Quinn's top rumpled, I wink at Santana. We both agree not to talk to them in front of the others, but wait until we get a free moment.

Santana's POV
Lunchtime I decide to talk to Rachel and Quinn. Brittany agrees that they need to speak about their relationship so nobody gets hurt. We agree to meet in the choir room and eat lunch together, just the four of us.

We all arrive at the same time and sit in chairs facing each other. A few minutes of small talk in I decide to cut to the chase.
"Okay, cut the crap. Quinn, we know you and Rachel have been giving each other sweet lady kisses. When are you going to tell people"

Brittany hits my arm and wraps her arm around Rachel, who looks like she is about to cry.
"Santana can only tell because she was a closet lesbian and she's a judgemental bitch" Quinn reassures her. I frown as I remember how I felt when people started talking about me.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. I just want you to know that you can talk to us anytime. It can be a Sweet Lady Kisses Club" Brittany smiles as she finishes speaking. I hold a hand over my mouth to try not laugh, but it slips out. I snort and I can see Quinn doing the same. Even Rachel smiles. Brittany looks at us all and then looks down, hurt showing in her eyes.

I wrap my arms around her "that's an amazing idea Brittany. But maybe we won't call it something as obvious as that."
She nods and smiles "but one day we can call it that"
I squeeze her hand "one day"

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