Kiss ?

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Brittany's POV
I'm waiting in the choir room when I am confronted by Quinn. She places a finger over my lips
"Don't say a word. Where is Santana and why did her parents show up at my door last night just about demanding to search my house"
I try to think of an answer when I see her appear in the doorway
"Santana is right behind you"

She turns around and waves
"So why doesn't her parents know where she is and why isn't she at your house"
"Because my parents are twats who want to ruin my life" Santana answers for me, wrapping her arms around my waist. Mr Schue walks in and we go to our back corner. Once he starts one of his talks about not giving up or something I turn to Santana.

"Are you okay? After your nightmare, I'm sorry I couldn't get to you, it was late and she lives so far away"
Santana waves away my apology
"Britt it's fine, she calmed me down really well. And then she stayed with me after"
I look at her closely
"Like in the same bed?"
She nods and then realises what I meant
"Brittany! We didn't do anything, just cuddled"

Mr Schue heard her raise her voice and calls over
"Everything okay girls?"
I call back "just finding out who Santana shared a bed with last night"
Santana coughs, her face flushing and Quinn is barely holding in her giggles. Mercedes frowns
"No Britt, I swear nothing happened"
I laugh at her and Santana's faces "I know, I'm just messing with you. Continue with the lesson"

Mr Schue just shakes his head and keeps talking. I kiss Santana on the cheek, and pull her onto my lap. She rests her head on my shoulder and entwines her fingers with mine. I smile into her hair and relax. Mr Schue finishes talking as the bell rings. I have Music first, my only class without Santana. She hugs me before reluctantly letting go.

Artie looks me up and down as I sit beside him.
"Got tired of going out with a cold hearted bitch yet?" He asks, snarkily.
"Santana is amazing, you're just jealous that she knows me."
Artie laughs "you should hear some of the things she's said behind your back. Or maybe you shouldn't, I don't want you getting upset again"
I frown "what do you mean, Santana is the sweetest"
"You seriously think you're her only one? Her and Quinn totally have something together"
It's my turn to laugh "no they don't Artie, it was one kiss and they were both drunk"
Artie gapes at me "wait they did it again?"
I look at him seriously "Artie. What. Happened?"

He smirks and looks me up and down "do you really want to know?"
I roll my eyes "please"
Artie crosses his arms.
"A couple of years ago, I heard a rumour that Quinn and Santana were dating. So I did a little digging around, and decided to watch them. One day after Cheerios practice I saw them run into a classroom. When I looked through the window I saw Queen Q and our little spicy Latina making out on a desk."

I shrug, trying not to let the tears spill over. I know we weren't going out at the time, but she could at least have told me. I tell her everything, and she never tells me any of her secrets. I daydream for the rest of the lesson, trying to work out how to speak to Santana about it.

Santana's POV
I'm sitting with the Glee Club at interval when I see Artie and Brittany walk in. I can immediately tell something is wrong, Brittany don't smiling or doing her little skippy-hop walk. When her and Artie come over I go up to him "Wheels, I swear if you've hurt my girl I will-"

He cuts me off "oh I'm not the one who hurt her" before looking pointedly at me and wheeling away. Brittany sits beside me but doesn't look at me and when I wrap my arms around her waist she shrugs them off. I sit there feeling rejected, and trying to think of what I've done wrong.

Break ends and we walk to our next class together. As she sits down I try to catch her eye and smile but she ignores me. I write her a note during class
"Hi Britt-Britt,
What's wrong? Have I done something to make you sad? Please talk to me
Tana <33"

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