Tears and Confessions

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Santana's POV
The second I walked into school today, I knew that they knew. A silence came over the hallway when I walked in, and then there was whispering and giggles. Brittany heard it too, and took my hand. I pulled it away, causing some of the jocks to laugh
"The lezzers are embarrassed. Don't be shy girls, have a kiss"
Oh no they did not just-
I turn around and walk towards my locker. It's at that point I see it. Or rather, them. The picture that was taken. It perfectly captures Brittany on top of me, and my hand disappearing up her skirt. Whoever took it has printed out hundreds of copies and stuck them everywhere. The walls, doors, lockers. Everywhere I look I can see the pictures. I can feel the walls starting to close in, until...
A pair of hands grasp my shoulders and a voice in my ear tells me to stay calm. I let the mystery person steer me into an empty classroom. They let go and I turned around to see Quinn.
"Q I can't do this, I need to go home" I hug her, tears threatening to spill. She hugs me back then holds me at arms length, looking into my eyes.
"No Santana. I'm not going to let you back out of this. You are one of the bravest people I know. You are going to go out there and show McKinley that you, Santana Lopez, are a badass who doesn't care what people think"
"Thanks Quinn, you really are one of my best friends. I'm sorry I pushed you away like that"
"Don't be. All that matters is that we're friends again, and I'm here for you"
I hug Quinn again and then she smiles
"Enough of the tears and hugs. Get out there!"

We walk back into the hall just in time for the first class. I can feel the stares and whispers but I sit up tall and death stare anyone who looks at me wrong. When the bell rings for break I go out to the courtyard where the club are sitting. Instead of sitting down, I walk by them and stand on the stone steps that people usually eat on. Here everyone can see me. I take a deep breath and loudly say
"I am Santana Lopez. And I AM A LESBIAN" I shout the last part. There is silence for a second, then I hear clapping. Puck has stood up and started clapping. Brittany joins him, and the rest of the Glee club follow. Gradually more and more people join, until I'm being given a standing ovation. Everyone is clapping, apart from a group of jocks. They glare at me and make me feel uneasy. Shaking off the feeling, I smile before skipping down to sit with everyone. They clap me and pat me on the back, talking about how proud they are and how they will all protect me.

By the end of the day, I'm even more tired than I was the day before. If I had though that the clap at break meant I was going to be okay, I was very very wrong.  I opened up my bag to find a note that called me literally every slur under the sun. A guy slushied me. And I kept getting messages on my phone telling me to 'straighten out' and stop 'denying god'.

At least I get to perform today. Me and Mercedes are going to kill this. I was practically raised on this song, and we have even worked out a dance routine. It's nothing fancy, mostly just strutting across the floor and shaking our asses, but hey! It'll work for us.

I walk into Glee club buzzed to find Brittany sitting on the floor crying. Everyone is all crowded around her trying to comfort her, but I know that won't work. When Britt is really upset she shuts down and won't talk to anyone. The last time I saw her like this was when her parents divorced. So I push through the small group to her side. I take her in my arms and pull her onto my lap. She rests her head on my shoulder and cries as I stroke her hair.

"What happened?" I ask Artie, trying to stay calm
"I don't know. She came into class really happy, but then she suddenly stopped talking and then she just started crying"
My heart sank, I can cope with this stuff but Britt can't.
"Give me here phone."
"Give me her phone now"
It's handed over to me and I unlock it with the password- Lord Tubbington's birthday. I open the text messages and see one from an unknown number.
"Hi slut hope you enjoy fucking ur dyke girl bcos that's about as much love anyone is ever going to give a disgusting little whore like you"
I clench my jaw and pass the phone to Quinn. She reads it and looks at me
"Somebody is going to die"
Brittany is starting to finish crying, she has moved into the hiccuping stage. Mr Schue has walked in, saw what was happening and conveniently remembered some work he had to mark. Teacher of the year material right there.

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