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Santana's POV
We spend most of the next day at Quinn's, until I get a text from my Mami telling me to come home immediately. I call her, wanting to know why.
"Hi Mami, what's up?"
"It's your abuela. She is in hospital again"
"I'm on my way. Love you"
I pack up my things and say bye to Quinn and Britt. The sun is setting as I begin my walk.

I am passing through the Main Street when I realise that I'm being followed. Footsteps echo behind me but when I turn around I can't see anyone. In the quiet street I hear a voice shout "come back dyke!"It's dark and I'm alone so I start walking a little faster. The footsteps speed up to match line and I go faster. As I turn the corner I break out into a sprint. My house is only a block away, but the person behind me is gaining on me. I get to my house and run inside, slamming the door behind me. I slide to the ground and cry. Terrified of what could have happened, and how I can't even be alone anymore.

I change and text my Mami that I'm ready. She picks me up on her way home from work and drives me to the hospital. My Papi is sitting beside my abuela who is talking to him. I run up to her and give her a hug. The doctors say that she was lucky, but we need to be careful.

I look at my family before me and decide to take a step. I'm going to come out. I ask my parents to sit and they do, looking worried. I breathe slowly to calm myself down and start to speak.
"I have always looked up to you as my role models in life. You have shown me how to be a strong Latina and to work for my dreams. But now I need to be honest. I'm a lesbian. I...I love girls, the way I'm supposed to love boys. And not just any girl, but my best friend Brittany. When I'm with her, I finally understand what people are talking about, when they talk about love. I have got used to hiding it, but I'm too tired. I don't want to fight anymore." I finish speaking, and look at my family's faces. My abuela speaks first
"Santana, some things are meant to be kept a secret. You telling me about this...it makes me uncomfortable. I want you to leave this place, and I don't want to see you again until you have a nice boyfriend. Don't tell anyone else about this, there will be looks for not only you but for me as well. I am disappointed in you Santana. Now leave"
I look at her in disbelief "I'm the same person I was 5 minutes ago"
"Leave. Now"
I look at my parents for support but they just look at me, confusion, hurt and disappointment in their eyes.
"I think you should stay with Quinn for a while." My Mami eventually chokes out.

I frown "why not Brittany. She's my best friend"
"Staying with Brittany will encourage you to keep on being a ...lesbian. I don't want you talking to her anymore. Quinn is a good girl who will put you on the right track."
I look around in disbelief at the people in front of me before running out of the hospital. I get on the bus and go to Quinn's. Her and Brittany open the door and I throw myself at them, sobbing.

Brittany's POV
We calm Santana down enough to get what happened. She came out to her family and they have basically kicked her out. I shake my head "but you can just stay with me. My parents love you, and they will be cool with you being a lady kisser" I try to joke but it only makes her cry harder. "I'm not allowed to stay with you Britt " She sobs. I shrug "we can still talk to each other though Santana. Rights?"
She shakes her head again "I'm not allowed"
"You don't need to do everything they say"
"But I need my family. Family is the most important thing. I'm sorry Britt, but it's only for a little while."

I look at her in disbelief "after all we have been through, you're just going to drop me. Just because of your parents."
"It's not just them. When I left here I was..I was followed home. When I ran they ran too, shouting at me. I was so fucking scared Britt."
Quinn envelopes her in her arms and strokes her hair. Santana looks so broken right now, and scared. And Santana is never scared.
I take her hand "I'm sorry Santana. From now on I promise either me or Quinn will be with you. But can I please keep talking to you. I need you in my life"
She hesitates then nods "I-I do need you. And thanks for the whole walking home thing. I don't know what I would do without you two"

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