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Brittany's POV
I gasp a little when she says it. I don't mean to, and I know it seems over dramatic, but it's a big deal. My best friend, who literally told me that she hated me last night, loves me. I think about all the times that she's been really defensive over our relationship, and it makes sense. I'm brought back to the moment when she wipes her tears and look deep into my eyes with those chocolate brown globes that are full of so much sadness. So I do what I know will make her feel better.
I kiss her.
She kisses me back and then pulls away "I'm sorry Britt" she says quietly "me too" I smile "I'm sorry too. And I love you too"

Santana's POV
She loves me too! I feel better for telling her. I had planned on telling her somewhere special, instead of a dirty toilet in our school, but it's okay. All that matters is that she said yes. And it's true. I would literally die for Brittany. She has helped me through so so much. We are meant to be together, I know it.

~that afternoon~
Brittany's POV
I walk into the Glee club with Santana. Everyone looks relieved to see us talking to each other again. Everyone except from Artie. He frowns as I sit down and then texts me. "Why are u back with her I though you weren't talking" I reply with "we're okay <33"
He shrugs and waits for the club to start. I remember that we're doing our duet. We practiced in our Music class, which my only class without Santana. I used to hate it but it's fun now because Artie is there. We are so good at the duet, but I'm not going to be singing it to Artie. I'm going to be singing it to Santana.

Santana's POV
Britt and Artie start their song. I hate to admit it, but they are really good at it. Me and Brittany would have been better, but it was okay for Hotwheels. Britt looked at me the whole time she was singing, and it felt like she was talking to me. I listened to the lyrics properly and realised that she was actually singing them to me. When her and Artie finished I clapped and hugged her and played the part of the best friend, when all I wanted to do was kiss her. Instead I settled for squeezing her hand. As Rachel took the stage to bore us all to death with an annoyingly good yet sickening performance with Finn I wrote a note to Britt. It said "hey Britt Britt, come over to mine tonight. We can watch some Sweet Valley high and get our cuddle on. San xx"
She opened it and nodded. She drew a little heart with her finger and pointed at me. Brittany's way of saying I love you.
Damn this girl is cute.
Of course artie had to ruin any moment we were having "so Santana who are you going to do your duet with" I roll my eyes "it doesn't really matter, I'll be better than you any day hotwheels". He gets the message and doesn't talk to me for the rest of the lesson. On our way out I call on Mercedes "hey so I know we haven't really talked before, but would you maybe want to do a duet with me for Glee club"
Oh my god what's happening to me. Santana Lopez never begs, and she waits for people to speak to her. Mercedes is really sweet about it though, and says yes. We agree what song we are going to sing in a matter of second - River Deep Mountain High. I high five her as I go to walk home "we've got this"
Britt is waiting for me and I link pinkies with her. We swing our hands as we walk home talking about various ways we could mess with Rachel. Our favourite was definitely stealing all her sheet music and replacing it with endless copies of Run, Joey, Run. We got to my house and we went upstairs. My parents were out most of the time and as long as I didn't burn the house down or have parties it could stay that way. It has meant I have some pretty developed cooking skills. Brittany sits at the table and I serve her my famous chocolate chip pancakes with a kiss. She eats up and then we go to my parents liquor cupboard and have a little drink. I swear we didn't mean to get drunk, it just happened. I was a little tipsy, but Britt was really drunk.Soon we were up in my room, taking off each other's clothes and giggling when we couldn't find the zipper. I had made out with Britt before, but it had only ever been kissing and over the uniform. This time we went further. She straddled me in her bra and panties, French kissing me. I kissed her back, but then she pulled away. I frowned as she stood up and vomited all over my floor before passing out. I ran to beside her and carried her into the bathroom. She woke up and cried a little, feeling sick. I tied her hair back and told her to stay where she was as I cleaned up my bedroom. Thankfully my floor was wooden so it didn't take too long. Britt was a mess so I put one of my hoodies over her and brushed her teeth (I hate vomit breath) before cuddling under the duvet with her. I smiled to myself and fell asleep with my favourite girl beside me.

Brittany's POV
Everything hurts. I open my eyes to see a bright light shining through. I frown as I try to remember where I am. I don't really remember the night before, but I think I'm at Santana's. Sure enough she comes over to my bedside "morning Britt how do you feel"
"Like lord Tubbington is lying on my head" she laughs and gives me some water "it's still early, have a shower and we can walk to school" "noooo I wanna stay home" "Britt come on" "fine but only because I love you" I kiss her and get up. She makes me yummy pancakes again and we set off for school. I still have a headache but I take medicine and feel better. By the end of the day I'm exhausted. Santana walks me home and waves bye before going to her house. I run upstairs and shower before collapsing on my bed and falling asleep with Lord Tubbington beside me.
My phone buzzes and I pick it up
"Promise we will always be best friends"
"Promise" I text back, smiling

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