"I'm not gonna hurt ya" [Jally]

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A/n here you go you little rascals, I'm back into an old fandom that I found out had fanfics. Legit I had so many story ideas for this and now you have to deal with this.

Okay, so Dallas and Johnny have been dating for a few months in this story.

<Johnny's POV>

I was laying in the lot, cold and alone. I felt damn near dead. My left eye was already starting to puff up, to the point I could barely see the stars. My ribs felt like they were on fire. The bastard kicked me so many times, they're probably broken. I felt like I could lay under the stars and drift away in the wind.

"Hey, Johnny? Is that you?" I heard the familiar voice of Dallas Winston as he trotted across the lot. "Ain't it a little cold to be sleepin out here?" He squatted down next to me and reached out a hand, probably to get the hair out of my eyes. But when I saw his hand move towards me, I instinctively flinched away. 

"Hey, hey Johnnycakes, I'm not gonna hurt ya," He raised his hands up defensively, looking at me with concern. Then, I saw his eyes flit across my body and a mix of realization, concern, anger overcame his face. "Shit, kid. Are you-god okay let's get you outta here," He nervously ran a hand through his hair, standing up quickly. He slides a hand under my legs and the other on my lower back. He hoisted me up

"Don't worry Johnnycakes, it'll be alright," Dally kept saying as he buckled me into his car, mostly to himself, I think. "I'm staying Buck's place. He's got a first-aid and all that good stuff, don't worry," He was ranting a little, definetly stressed. I painfully reached my hand across the dash and placed my hand on his. He stole a quick look at me and rubbed his thumb across my knuckles.

When we get to the bar, Dally carried me up to his room and laid me gently on the bed. "I'll be right back, okay sweetheart?" He paused at the door, making sure I was okay with him leaving. I nodded my head slightly, my busted lip making it hard to talk.

Dally came back a few seconds later with an overstuffed first-aid kit in hand. You'd think it'd be stuffed with useful things, but mostly it was stuffed with loose bandaids. Dally fished out a long ace bandage, Neosporin, alcohol wipes, and a couple of large bandages. 

Dally ran back to the bathroom, coming back with a wet washcloth. "Honey, this is gonna hurt a little," Dally lifted up the washcloth but stopped right by my face. "Is it okay if I touch you?"He looked me directly in the eyes and I felt my chest get tight.

I felt like I could cry, but I just nodded my head. He started with my forehead, cleaning the dried blood off. It hurt a little, but I was almost numb to it after so many times. But then came cleaning the wounds.

I whimpered slightly as Dally pressed the wipe onto my cut. I immediately scolded myself for being so weak. But that didn't seem to phase Dally. He quickly grabbed my hand. "It'll be alright baby, just hold my hand, it'll all be okay," He lightly kissed my forehead and continued to clean my wounds. He kept holding my hand in his free one and I squeezed it when the pain got too intense.

Once my face was all patched up, although not without telling me the cuts will look tuff, he asked me to take off my shirt.

I hesitated for a moment. Dally had never seen me without a shirt on and my anxiety was getting the best of me. I quickly reasoned it out in my head, just saying it was for medical reasons and it'd only be a minute or two. I took my shirt, my ribs taught agaist my tan skin. 

"You okay if I touch your chest?" I could tell he was being extra careful around me tonight.

"Okay," my voice hoarse and shaky. My tounge felt so alien and dry in my mouth.

"Wow, he speaks," Dally teased, before handing me a glass of water off his nightstand. "Don't worry, it's fresh." He assured me. That was the last thing on my mind as I chugged the water down. "Hey kiddo slow down, you'll hurt yourself, "

He was right, it did hurt, but I was so thirsty. I finished off my glass and let out a sigh, hurting my ribs. "Okay hun, I'm going to wrap you up now." He warned me before he wrapped the bandage around my ribs. It hurt, of course. The tightness of my ribs mixed with the burning sensation almost brought me over the edge.

Once he was done, he helped me change out of my pants and into one of his sweatshirts and shorts. He laid me under the covers and packed up all the supplies.

"Baby, is it okay if I lay like this?" He asked, wrapping his arm around my waist and gently pulling me close to him.

"Yeah," I say quietly, not trusting my voice to say much. But I can trust it to say one thing, 


"Yeah, baby?"

"I love you,"

"I love you too Johnny cakes."

It only took me a moment to drift off wrapped in Dallas's embrace.

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