Can I sleep at your house tonight? [Tally]

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The rain pelted Dally's skin as he stalked the streets, looking for some shelter. He lived here since he was 10, but his sense of direction was absolute shit. He walked in the general direction of Buck's, but with the rain disorienting him, he somehow managed to find himself at Tim's place. 

He shrugged. It was a shelter from the rain and he wasn't gonna give that up. It's not like he could go home, with his dad drunk and Dally in one of his "moods" as the whore his dad was dating described it.

Dally banged on Tim's window. He saw Tim getting up and looking around, turning around to face his window. Tim crawled over to his window, opening it.

"Dally, the hell are you doin here? It's two in the goddamed mornin." Tim said, slightly annoyed from being woken up. 

"Can I stay here? My dad's drunk again," Dally said, trying to stay under the small overhang Tim's house has. 

"Yeah, course, just your soaked like a drowned rat, I'll get some towels, wait a sec." Tim ran to the bathroom, getting at least 3 towels. 

Dally waited anxiously, picking at his nails. He'd always tried to hide his anxious tendencies, but he was cold, tired, and wet, and he didn't give a fuck about hiding it from Tim.

"Here, get your ass in here and dry yourself off." Tim helped Dally into his room and gave him the towels. "Lemme get you some clothes." Tim searched his drawers and found a pair of sweatpants and t-shit for him. 

Tim's eyes wandered down Dally's chest as he took off his shirt. Tim held his breath, feeling a slight blush come up to his cheeks. He pretended to keep looking in the drawer, glancing at Dally as he undressed. 

"Like what you see?" Dally said teasingly. Tim drew a quick breath in and turned to him, the clothes in hand. Tim nonchalantly walked closer to him and quietly said: 

"Maybe I do," Tim said under his breath but unfortunately, Dally had heard it. Blush quickly rose to his face and he stood there shirtless, confused if Tim was joking.

"Um, what?" Dally said, running a hand through his hair and resting it on the back of his neck. He rubbed it nervously. He wanted to laugh, but the way that Tim had said it gave the impression that he meant it.

"I do, in fact, like what I see," Tim said, a surge of confidence flowing through him as he walked right up to Dally, their chests almost touching.

"What are you talking about, Tim?" Dally said quietly, almost in a whisper. He looked down at the clothes in Tim's hand. 

"God Dallas you're dense," Tim said, dropping the clothes in favor of sliding his hand up to Dally's cheek and pulling him into a kiss.

Dallas was...surprised, to say the least. He didn't wake up thinking he was going to be a half-dressed kissing guy he'd been looking at for a long time now. But he was.

Tim pulled away first, opening his eyes and searching Dally's face, looking for any signs of discomfort. Dally opened his eyes, ice blue staring right into Tim's brown ones. 

"W-wow," Dally said quietly. He was filled with a mix of emotions, but the most prevalent was the electric feeling of giddiness spreading throughout his body.

"So it was okay?" Tim said anxiously, stroking Dally's cheek with his thumb. 

"Yeah, it was," Dally sighed contently. "I've been waiting for you to do that for years," He said shyly, playing with the hems of Tim's shirt. 

"Really now?" Tim said, jokingly surprised. "How long?" 

Dally laughed awkwardly, looking down at the forgotten clothes. "A while, maybe a year?"

"Geez, should've done it sooner, "Tim's hands moved from Dally's cheeks to his neck, playing with the hair there. Dally suddenly yawned, the weight of the night finally getting to him.

"Here, come on let's get you to bed," Tim said, getting the clothes off the floor. He went to the bed, semi-making it up as Dally changed. Really, he was just fighting the urge to admire Dally's physique, but hush up.

Dally flopped on the bed, Tim following him shortly. He turned his head, looking at Dally in his clothes, and something twisted in his heart.  He liked it a lot. 

Dally opened his eyes to Tim starting at him and he cracked a smile, before turning over and getting under the covers. Tim joined him, lying on his side. 

"Do you want to cuddle or something?" Tim said, scooting closer to Dally.

"Heh sure," Dally said shyly, awkwardly scooting closer to Tim. Tim put his arms around Dally and pulled him closer. Dally slung his arm around Tim's waist, not really knowing what to do with it.

After a while, he relaxed into Tim's touch and was able to fall asleep, leaving Tim with his thoughts. He had too much on his mind to go to sleep, but around 1 am, he finally drifted off.

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